Chapter I - Part III: U.O

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I spent hours everyday training in that gun store Leo took me to. I felt like I made really progress. We then started to make a plan to attempt to take down them U.O folk Leo was planning on killing. 


Leo: Since you've been training, and you've been training well! I'll give you my sniper, I'm sorry it's not a 50. Cal like your Army uses. You'll be positioned across the street from the station, on building right here.

Foxey: Uh-huh, how many people do I need to kill Exactly?

Leo: Just enough to get me in there, and if shit busts, take this


He gave me a...Kar98k.


Foxey: A Kar98k? You a Nazi Lover or something? 

Leo: Don't ever mention me loving Nazis again you sorry son-of-a-bitch. It's not that I love Nazis. I love their weapons. Because they kill the easiest.

Foxey: Shall we?

Leo: Yep. Let's get going.


We set off, that militia was still there and Leo was giving them the look of aggression and disgust, wow this guy must really hate them. We set off into our positions, Leo went onto the street with such haste, and I went into a building window, scoping the area. 

He started walking to the station, I was taking my aim to the nearest one. He told me to kill as many as I can so he can get in. So as soon as the one nearest to Leo un-holstered his gun I could kill him before he kills Leo. And that's what he did, he was blasted in the head before he could aim.


Foxey: Holy...fuck.


I started unloading on these bastards, Leo didn't even take out a rifle, all he had was a Revolver and a machete. It almost was like he didn't need me after all. But there I was wrong, he started shouting My name. 




One of them were lucky enough to grab hold, but I couldn't see from here. So I had to come down and expose myself. I ran down the stairs to the street, I could barely see him from the distance, he was being held hostage with a gun at his head. If I run, he'll kill him. What to do...


Foxey: Awh shit! I wouldn't hold him if I were you! He's one crazy son-of-a-bitch!


The soldier was laughing his head off.


U.O Soldier: You cunts killed my team, and now I'm the only one standing here! And I'm holding one of you captive! 

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