Chapter I - Part V: Why the mask is worn.

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We started to get supplies, we could steal from people since we had another person, Jess distracted them for "help" and we went in and robbed their stuff, 99% it would work, if it didn't we had to do it the old way. I started out in this town just looking to finish a war, when I'm starting one with a bunch of groups.

Jess had a thing for wearing that mask, never seen her take it off. I was so curious why she wouldn't, you know without a good reason, it's useless to do things without meaning. So I did what any other person wouldn't do, get someone else to get her to take it off.


Foxey: Yo Leo, c'mere a minute.

Leo: What's up?

Foxey: That mask she's wearing, it's just starting me crazy. 

Leo: Yeah, I know it's been creeping me out but what do you want me to do about it?

Foxey: I don't know, ask her to take it off or just like ask her why she wears it.

Leo: First off, she won't take that mask off. Not even a sentient part of a second would she show us her face. Second, Why me?!

Foxey: You're not very good with people by talking to them.

Leo: And you need me?

Foxey: Let me finish. Perhaps this can be a chance you can improve! Be a more...gentle person than some paranoid schizophrenic!

Leo: Look at me Foxey, take one good look at me. You expect me, a man that looks like a serial killer back in the wild west to be a "gentle person?"

Foxey: Well take one good look at her, she wears a mask without telling us a reason. It creeps me out to think of it and it's driving me nuts. And further more, you took me in. That proves you can be generous, that's enough but maybe improve a bit of it. Be more person!

Leo: ...Fine I'll go talk with her. Where are you going?

Foxey: I'm just going over there.

Jess: Where's your friend gone?

Leo: Foxey? He went off for a minute.

Jess: Huh.

Leo: Yeah, speaking of which he told me to talk to you.

Jess: Ok...

Leo: Can I ask? Because me and him are just going crazy over this, but why do you actually wear the mask?

Jess: I'll tell you, and you can tell foxey since I trust you both, but promise me you won't spread this out.

Leo: You have my word...

Jess: Right...A few years back...I had a daughter, I named her Alice. She was very young when she...

Leo: Died?

Jess: Mhm...


I was just watching her speak with him, he wasn't the best person to talk to. But you could tell he was listening to every bit she was telling him.


Leo: How'd she die?

Jess: Remember that zombie outbreak?

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