Chapter II - Part IV: A Farmer on the outside, Genius on the Inside.

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Jess came back to mine for the Interview, we waited for a couple of hours then came the Interviewer.


Interviewer: Hello Foxey, who's this then?

Foxey: This here is Jess, you know the one I was talking about yesterday? We just met again last night.

Interviewer: Oh. Nice to meet you! Is she in the Interview or...?

Jess: I'm in the Interview. How far are you guys?

Interviewer: About the time after this massive Argument of You two and Leo. Perhaps we can get more of your story? Like assist him to remember? Because I need this to be as specific as possible.

Foxey: What do you mean "you"?

Interviewer: Apologies, I meant "We" need this to be specific as possible.

Jess: Right...I suppose we start now?

Interviewer: Indeed we should, right let me get the tape ready. Alright and...go.

Jess: I don't know where to start...

Interviewer: It's alright, just try to remember everything you can, hold on, you returned home after Leo and Foxey dumped the body of a brotherhood soldier, what happened then?

Foxey: Remember? After we went home we couldn't sleep?

Jess: Oh, that...That was just a disaster. We were all tired the next day from all the other tuff happening, Leo losing his eye, killing a soldier and then dumping the body, it was a mess. We had to lay low for a few nights as the B.H soldier Leo Killed was supposedly an important one, and every soldier looked from building to building trying to find him. We ran to yet another apartment near the carpark and everything began to calm down. Until we found this crazy Man that came into the room like he lived there.


Some farmer came around over to the new apartment where we were staying and instantly pointed a gun at us. He was one crazy son-of-a-bitch. That was just what we needed when we dumped a corpse into the port and had to run from soldiers for days.


???: Who in the hell are you bunch of bastards?

Foxey: Hey back off! We were here first!

???: I was out of town, I was here first you bunch of no good whippersnappers!

Leo: I don't believe it, get the fuck out of here man!

???: And you ginger! I'd start telling you to run first! So shut your trap!

Leo: Let me shoot this Fuck.

Foxey: No Leo. You've killed enough. Look, we didn't know that you lived here, we were just staying here long enough until we could go back on our feet, we had a tough few days hiding from that damned army that is roaming the streets from time to time. We'll leave.

???: I was just playing with you lot, I don't live here. Do I look like the Farmer who would live in this shitty old town?

Leo: You look like the kind of Farmer who'd grow nothing.

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