Zero: The beginning of Kesari

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Kesari Te Enteseka Nan'ti'ite was born in the Tayrangi clan to her mother, Nan'ti. Her father is not apart of the Tayrangi clan, nor any other forest clan. He is from an unknown clan of the ash people. Kesari's parents could not be together so Nan'ti had to raise her daughter alone, with no mate, and a whole clan looking down on her. Because Kesari is half forest and half ash, she looks different than the other children. Her skin is an ashy blue, almost exactly like her dad, and the stripes on her were slightly different then the forest people. This was not the only thing that made her different.

    Age 9

"Kesari!" Nan'ti yells. "Don't get that close to the edge." Kesari was by a cliff looking at the ikran not to far away in front of her. Nan'ti had brought her there to look at the scenery and the beautiful sunrise on the cliff with the ikran.

"I am just choosing which ikran I want to ride when I am older." Kesari says, not looking away from the sight in front of her. She is completely mesmerized by the Ikrans just 70 feet away from her. Kesari always has loved them. She couldn't wait to get her own and go riding with her mother.

Nan'ti walks over to Kesari and picks her up. "Itetsyip, you alone will not choose which ikran you get. It also gets to choose you. Just like other stuff in pandora." She explained with a smile and walks away from the ikran with Kesari in her arms and goes back to her own ikran. Nan'ti flys her ikran back to there home and sees other children getting ready to practice hunting. "Mommy? Can I please go hunting with them?" Kesari asks her mother with cute puppy eyes as they land.

"If Heishea says yes then of course, but I am coming too." Nan'ti is protective over Kesari, she has seen kids bully Kesari and say things to her about how her stripes are different and ugly because they don't swirl like the forest strips. They also say mean things about her ashy blue skin, asking her questions about her where her dad is.  Nan'ti saw how much those things upset her daughter, which in turn, made her upset.

"Fine."  Kesari groaned and jumped off her moms ikran to the floor. She started running to the children getting ready to practice hunting with there teacher.Nan'ti got off her ikran and went to her daughter.

"Heishea. We will be joining the class today." Heishea  teaches the kids hunting and tracking skills. "Ok. Let's go."

They went into the forest to practice tracking animals and went to the river to get fish. Kesari loved the nature on Pandora. It was so beautiful.

"Kesari. Shoot now!" Heishea instructed. Kesari shot the fish with a little bit of help from her mom and picked it up.
"She's a natural."  Heishea complimented. "Now let's go practice are swimming and we will be done for today."
Kesari liked the water, not as much as the ikran, but she enjoyed playing in it even though she got tired quicker than everyone else.


"Ftxozäri aylrrtok ngaru my darling." It was Kesari's 12th birthday today. Her mother was so happy for her daughter. She had come such a long way in her hunting skills and her tracking skills were extremally better than all the kids, she was even better than most adults. Kesari smiled. She loved her mother and had been so excited for this day to come. Kesari was going to go to the hallelujah mountains with her mom, her mentor Tsentey, and one other girl ,Päna, she is 14, which is the usual age na'vi go to the mountains.

12 year olds didn't usually get to go to hallelujah mountains, but she convinced her mom and Tsentey that she was ready by passing a test they set up for her. Nan'ti could tell that Kesari was just like her when she was younger. Nan'ti got a ikran when at a  young age as well.

"Are you ready Kesari?" Tsentey asked. He is the mate of the clan leader Ikeyni. When he is not on the battle field, he trains young na'vi riders in the rules and lore of ikran care, flight, and warfare. Päna and Kesari are some of his students.

Päna is Kesari's only but definetly best friend. They meet on Kesari's first day of training when she was 3 1/2. Pana was 5 at the time but still quickly welcomed Kesari into the class and helped her with anything she was struggling with. 

 "Yes, and so is Päna."  Kesari replied smiling with the nervous/excited feeling in her stomach. Her mother had put the red paint on her and Päna.

"Come let's go." Tsentey started walking torwards the hallelujah mountains. Kesari picked up the banshee catchers and followed him with Nan'ti and Päna behind her.


They climbed the last floating thingy and saw all the ikran by the cliff. "Kesari. You go first. Remember, if it wants to kill you, that means it choose you." Tsentey directed. Kesari looked at all the beautiful ikran, so close to her. When she was younger she always imagined what this day would be like, would she be ready at to come here young like her mom, would she have a friend to be there with her, is a ikran even going to want her? Kesari is happy that the first too wonders were true, but, is still worried about the last one.

She walked down towards the ikran, scanning her eyes across all of them, looking for a sign that one of them might attack her. Kesari walked past a few and some fly off the cliff right in front of her. Then she stopped, seeing that the ikran in front of her was looking at her differently than the other ones did.  It was a sunset pink, blue, and purple girl ikran. She was beautiful. It growled with its teeth and snarled at her. She then knew, that this is her ikran.

It opened its big mouth and roared at her as it tried to bite her

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It opened its big mouth and roared at her as it tried to bite her.  Kesari got ready to throw the banshee catcher.  As soon as it got close enough she threw the banshee catcher and it snapped around the snout of the ikran, restraining the jaw and covering the eyes, making the ikran unable to attack. After securing it she leapt onto the ikrans back and connected there queues. She felt it, there lifelong bond, the thoughts of the ikran, and she knew the ikran could hear her thoughts too.

She took off the banshee catcher and it flew off the cliff downward. She felt a rush of adrenaline as the ikran keep going down. "Fly forward." She thought. And then the ikran opened its wing and went forward after almost hitting the water.

"Wheeeeee, haha. " She laughed in excitement. Her ikran was fast, her hair was blowing in the wind. She would never forget this moment. It was the best in her life.

As she continued flying she looked back and saw Päna hoping on a ikran and making the bond. After flying for a little more Kesari flew her ikran by her mother and Tsentey well they waited for Päna and her new ikran to come back.When Päna came back they all went home and took care of there ikrans. "What did you name her?" Päna asks Kesari while going up to see her ikran.

"Inyo'. What did you name yours?" Kesari answered petting Inyo' on the face.

"Atan. By the way, you did great." Päna leaves her ikran and goes to her family. Kesari smiles. "This is amazing." She thought. 

Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote. This story takes place after the second movie but Neteyam never died but still got shot. 1,312 words.

Ftxozäri aylrrtok ngaru
Happy birthday

Little daughter

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