Six: Spending Time

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It was the day after the festival

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It was the day after the festival. Kesari was still confused about the fire thing, but excited because she got to ride a Ilu. She wasn't the best, but it was her first time riding.

Tsireya said that Kesari did much better than Lo'ak when he first rode. She told Kesari that he flew of in 2 seconds. Kesari flew off in six, but more aesthetic. After awhile she started to get the hang of it, but still wasn't that good. She would go super slow.

It was almost 4:55. Kesari just got done helping Kiri and Neytiri make some food. "Kesari you can go now. But while you are out, put the stuff I told you to on your face for the bruise. It is healing good but, just to make sure it heals properly." Neytiri said. 

"Ok." Kesari agreed grabbing some fish that they didn't cook yet. There was still more to be done for dinner but she wanted to go see Inyo' before they ate. Kesari walked out of the marui and headed to where Inyo' was.

On her way there she passed Neteyam and Lo'ak picking at the sand sitting and talking about something. They stopped talking and Neteyam looked up at Kesari. "Hey." He said. She stopped walking and looked at him. "Is dinner done?" He asked.

"I am going to give Inyo' this fish," She showed him the fish in her hand. "dinners not done yet."  Kesari waved bye then went to Inyo'. Neteyam watched as she walked away. Kesari was happy because Inyo' was healing very well.

"I brought you some fish Inyo'." The ikran stood up and ate the fish. She could stand,  but did not put any pressure on the side that she got shoot. "If you keep getting better, than we can ride." Kesari looked at Inyo' then at her saddle, it reminded her of the note.

Kesari immediately said bye to Inyo' and went into the islands forest north. Neteyam was looking at her, wondering why she was going into the jungle/forest/idk what to call it, at this time.

(Time skip)

Kesari was awoken by someone squealing about something. She sat up and looked at the happy girl. "What are you so excited about?" Kesari asked getting out of her hammock.

"A really good friend of mine that I haven't seen in awhile is going to stay here for a week." Kiri answered then went out of there room.

Kesari wondered who Kiri's good friend was while she did her hair. She went out of her room and saw Tuk eating fruit with Neytiri and Kiri. "Good morning." Neytiri said.

"Good morning. Where are the boys?" Kesari asked. She sat down and started eating the fruit with them.

"They left to get some fish for later. They should be back soon." Neytiri answered. Everyone's ear went up at the sound of "tocotocotoco" from outside. It was this whirring that made Kiri drop her food and run outside. Tuk ran after her which made Neytiri get up.

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