Two: Washed up

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Her head hurt and her arm felt like it was on fire

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Her head hurt and her arm felt like it was on fire. She heard people talking and a ringing in her ear. Water was touching her but not all the way. Kesari felt soft dirt around her and in her mouth. She heard a boy saying something tapping her.

Kesari started opening her eyes and spit out a lot of salty water. "Where am I?" she thought. She was on her back. Her arm was throbbing in pain, burning from the salt water. Kesari heard the boy say something again. This time she could understand it.

"Tsireya, there's a lot of blood coming out of her arm. Oh good, her eyes are opening." The boy said.

She opened her eyes more and started to sit up. Here head started hurt more. "Ahh!" she silently screamed in pain from her arm, head, and the scratches on her face.

"Take it easy." The boy advised, putting his hand on her back making sure she didn't fall back to the ground.

Kesari looked at her arm. It was full of blood. The upper part of her arm had gotten scratched by a claw of some sort. It was deep, but she doesn't think it will be deep enough to leave a scar. Staring at it made it hurt more. Kesari looked up and saw the boy not to far from her face.  He looked like a forest person with beautiful yellow eyes. "Did all people look like forest ones but me?" she questioned in her head.

Kesari felt a girl touch the shoulder of the arm that had the wound on it. Kesari flinched. "Ouch. You even got your face scratched up." The girl said examining Kesari's wounds and sitting down next to her.

The girl had light blue skin and her arms were fin-like. Even her eyes. They were blue and they had two eyelids. "I guess not all people look like forest ones. "Kesari thought.

"I am Tsireya. Don't worry. I doubt your arm is infected." The girl said. She had a reassuring smile on her face.

Kesari started thinking about everything that happened. "Mom." she thought.  "Did anyone else come to the shore?" She asked the forest boy.

"No. Just you and an ikran." He replied.

She started tearing up. "My mom." She said quietly looking down at the sand. "My mom really isn't here." Kesari said in her mind.

Kesari looked around her and spotted an ikran on the shore. Inyo'. "Inyo'!" she screamed as she quickly got up and ran to her ikran, gently pushing past the forest boy. The pain in her head was spreading through her body. Kesari saw another boy with light blue skin and a bun by Inyo'. She hissed at him to get away from Inyo' as she stopped at Inyo's head and sat down in front of it.

Did she just lose her best friend? No, she couldn't of Inyo' couldn't leave her. Her eyes started pouring out water as she saw the blood on the sand. "Inyo'!" she cried out. Kesari hugged her ikran crying.

As she was hugging Inyo's neck she felt something.  A pulse. Inyo' was still alive. Kesari let go of her ikrans neck and went to the blood on her ikran to find the wound. She sat back down and started gently rubbing around to find the wound.

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