Eight: Truth comes out

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I was holding hands with two people while looking at the Igneous rocks I was walking on

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I was holding hands with two people while looking at the Igneous rocks I was walking on. "You can't keep coming here all the time. It is to risky. If they find out about you guys, and that we are mated. I will never see you again. They'll kill you both." The man that I was holding hands with said. I had to tilt my head very high to look at him, because I was only a bit taller than his knee. The man looked like me but, with more obvious grayish-blue skin.

"Rìnovatx, I know you are worried, I am too." A woman said and let go of my hand to put it on the mans shoulder for reassurance. "I will stop coming here so much. But it is very hard to stay away. Especially because it has been two years sense we mated."

I looked at the woman as we all stopped walking. She looked like a forest na'vi. It's my mom. She looked beautiful and younger. And she said she mated with this man? "Muntxatan, what happened?" Nan'ti asked. She let go of my hand and walked away to this cool rock but could still hear them.

The man looked down at the floor sadly. "It is my father." He said then looked at Nan'ti. "He wants me t-" The sentence was cut off as everything started disappearing and turning black. My eyes opened.

(POV third person)

Kesari opened her eyes. "Another dream. That was the same man from my last one." she thought as she sat up on her hammock. "That man. My mom said they were mates, so he's my dad or I just made him up. It might be a memory, might not be, don't know but, I wish I could ask mom. I mean, she did tell me stories about the ash people." She wondered then her stomach growled loudly.

Kiri came in there room. "Good morning Kesari." She said then walked closer to Kesari with a bowl in her hands. "Here, I saved you some breakfast." Kiri gave Kesari the bowl full of food.

"Thank you Kiri." Kesari thanked as she took the bowl from Kiri and started eating. Kiri started to leave, but then she remembered something. "The warriors are here. They just came on the beach before I gave you your breakfast." Kiri informed.

Kesari really wanted to know what they found out from the other clan. She stood up with her bowl still in her hands and walked out of the marui with Kiri. She saw people crowded on the beach and the warriors walking towards Tonowari.

Kesari and Kiri walked to Jake and Neytiri, they were the closest to Tonowari. One of the warriors stood in front of the others. "He must be the leader of this warrior group." Kesari thought.

The warrior signaled 'I see you' to Tonowari and Ronal then started speaking. "We went to the second clan and saw that all but one marui was burned down. It was way worse than the other two clans. We had to take the children to another island because it looks so bad." The warrior was sad at this fact.

Kesari felt awful. "Why would they destroy so much?" she thought.

"We asked who did it, and were expecting them to say the sky people but, they said that it wasn't just the sky people," he stopped for a moment, then keep talking, "It was the ash people too. Five of them or more and some avatars."

Tonowari eyes filled with fear. "Why would the ash people come here and work with the sky people? They have no business with us." Tonowari wondered.

"It could have been Quaritch that told them to do that." One young villager shouted.

"He is dead youngling. His friends definitely have something to do with this." Tonowari Told the young na'vi.

Ronal thought hard then looked at Kesari with a slight glare. "Could they have been looking for a, mix?" Ronal asked.

Kesari got infuriated and yelled, "They weren't looking for me!" Ronal was taken aback and everyone was staring at her. Now she was embarrassed and angry. "They don't even now that I exist. That's what my mom told me." Kesari said calmer than before, but felt overflown with emotions and started tearing up.

Neteyam could tell that she was very upset and put a hand around her waist and pulled her closer to him. She felt calmer ,but had butterflies in her stomach, and not so upset anymore. He made her feel safe, but she still felt awful about what happened to the clans.

"They might not be looking for you. If the sky people were there than it has to be something else but nothing is certain. One of you will go back and bring supplies with some other people here. You will go tomorrow." Tonowari announced.

Everyone was dismissed. Kesari started walking into the jungle away from everyone. "You go to the jungle a lot. Does it remind you of the forest?" Kesari heard Spider ask behind her. She stopped walking, turned around and stared at him.

"I don't really want to talk to anyone right now Spider." Kesari said then turned back around and keep walking into the jungle. She was still very upset about pretty much, everything.

Spider ran up in front of her and looked at her. "I get the feeling you don't like me. This whole time I have been here you have been ignoring me, leaving the room when I came in, and you never talk to me. I have done nothing to be treated like that." Spider confessed.

That's it. Spider just pulled her last straw. "You've done nothing?" She scoffed. "You saved Quaritch! And because of you, he sent me out here and has my m-!" She yelled, than cut herself off after realizing what she had just said.

Spider was shocked that she knew and blamed him for stuff, but before he could say anything he saw an angry Neteyam behind Kesari. "You did what?" Neteyam angrily asked Spider as he walked closer.

Spider looked sad and put his head down. "Quaritch is alive. He is my father Neteyam, I couldn't let him die." Spider expressed than looked back up.

"Monkey boy. That avatar is not your dad. His memories are there but he your father. Your father, is dead. His avatar almost killed me

Kesari took this argument as an opportunity to get away and not having to answer questions about how she knew but, when she started walking away Neteyam grabbed her arm to stop her from running off. Lo'ak and Tsireya must have heard something because now they were here.

"Ow." She quietly said, which made Neteyam loosen his grip a little and look at Kesari.

"Why did Quaritch send you out here?" Neteyam asked Kesari as she started tearing up. Kesari started gently crying.

"He sent me here to-" she wasn't sure if she really wanted to tell him why but knew there was no way out of this. "He sent me here to spy on your family. Find out when Jake went fishing and where, or how many weapons and warriors were here and other things."

Neteyam felt betrayed by both of them. He had trusted Kesari. He looked at her with sadness and anger. "He told me to put this jar of something in one of that clans trees." Kesari cried out. "I didn't know that he was going to destroy the whole village with it."

Neteyam let go of her arm and asked, "Why did you do it Kesari?! Why would you help him?" 


Thank you for reading please don't forget to vote. Also thank you guys so much for 800 reads!!:) Sorry this part took awhile. I was really busy this week and had trouble figuring out how they would find out why Quaritch sent her and stuff. I will probably change the way they find out in the future but for now I just really wanted to get this chapter out. The next one will be out soon sorry this one was cut short. There is a flashback coming up.



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