Chapter 2 - Two Gods Pt. 2/2 "Gaia's Sentry"

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Akasawa Forest

Walking through the brush, he watched as the trees danced around him. Green leaves flutter down to the ground before being picked up by a gentle stream.

"Man has ruined so much of my planet." He started, his voice echoing through the empty forest. With a smile, he continued, "It's good to see some beauty left untouched on this Earth."

His voice was gentle, yet commanding. Friendly while demanding respect. His voice was like a leader's whose voice alone commanded his subordinates, at the same time treating them as though they were still human.

His wild hair glistened in the orange sunlight as he walked down the creek. His black zori and tabi socks were soaked in the clear water. He didn't mind, however, as he was used to the water. Going so far as to view Earth's oceans as an extension of himself.

Regardless of the current situation, he wasn't here to go on a nature walk. He had felt an energy, one that didn't belong on his Earth. As well as the presence of a great being, one that combined the energy he felt and the one he used.

In recent times he had tolerated the presence of beings from the Higher Planes on his Earth, however, that had run thin. While he didn't know where to start, he had an idea. Nearby was a town with an abnormal amount of supernatural creatures. Beings who converted the same energy he used into something they called magic, for they weren't capable of using his same energy.

Though it wasn't as though they weren't powerful in their own right. Enough to pose a threat to the natural order of events on his Earth. With his next destination chosen, he began to make his way over.

Elsewhere - Outskirts of Kuoh

Killing the boy, Issei was it? Whatever it was should have been easy enough for her. Yet something stopped her, it wasn't the boy or her emotions. Rather it was the presence of something huge that stopped her in her tracks.

Just as she was about to conjure a Light Spear to kill the pervert, a massive amount of raw Heavenly Energy began to appear in the air.

Backing away she flew on into the air, her black wings keeping her safe and off the ground. Normally she hated calling for help, but the situation seemed fitting. Bringing her hand up to her ear, she created a communication link. Yet before she could say anything a familiar voice bellowed through the circle, "Raynare, get out of there! We'll leave this place as soon as we see you!"

Now she was confused, how were her allies able to sense the presence of whatever being was approaching? Refusing to take their warning, Raynare sneered back, "Fine, let me just kill this idiot."

In her hands, she conjured a ball of light before it formed into a familiar light spear. Looking down at the brown-haired boy she announced once again, "Well it's been nice, Issei. At least I wasn't bored."

Right before she let the bolt loose she stopped. Every primal instinct in her body told her to run as fast as she could. Yet she couldn't, whatever it was couldn't be that big of a threat, right? From behind, Raynare felt someone grab her shoulder tightly before saying, "Kill who, Fallen?"

Panicking she jerked out of his grip, twisting around and sending the bolt toward whatever had just spoken to her. However, the man dodged the spear, even managing to avoid damaging his clothes. Before she was a man dressed in a short, sleeveless dark blue haori cut off at the waist left open to expose his chest. Draped around his shoulders was a black cape that faded into blue, cut in half down the middle, effectively creating two capes attached by small chains acting as collars. Around his arms were white sleeves covering his arms from his wrist to the bottom of his shoulders, held in place with blue beads wrapped around the top. He wore black umanori-styled hakama pants tied with a white uwa-obi, his calves wrapped in white cloth resembling kyahan. On his feet were black zori with straps and black tabi socks, around his ankles were similar blue beads.

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