Chapter 3 - Phenex God Pt. 1/10 "Commitment and Patience"

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Hyoudou Residence

Sekaino stood on his feet, looking around at the sunlit room. Issei's unseemly alarm had yet to go off, based on the fact that Issei was still sleeping. Glaring at it, Sekaino tore it from the wall. The meager cord snapped in half from the force behind his tear.

Looking down at Issei, Sekaino shook him awake. The boy's eyes fluttered open, before focusing on Sekaino above him. Still dazed, Issei muttered, "No babe, I'm tired...

OW DUDE WHAT THE HELL!?!" A red hand mark now on Issei's face, Sekaino sighed as he saw the pervert stumbling out of bed. Satisfied with the result, Sekaino commented, "Looks like that did the trick, you finally got up?"

"Yeah, did you have to slap me?" Issei whined, still rubbing his cheek. Standing up, Sekaino answered with a sly smile, "No, just thought it might snap you out of your dream."

"It was a nice dream..." Issei complained, before looking at Sekaino and asking, "What are we doing today?"

Sekaino looked at the boy in surprise before answering, "As I said, those Fallen Angels weren't the only supernatural beings in this town. At your school, there's a huge concentration of supernatural beings. If I had to guess, it's several groups of Devils.

For now, I'd say go to school, afterward I'll see about training you. As it stands you are not in the proper condition to fight with or against me." Sekaino explained, the last part garnering Issei's attention, "Wait, wait, wait! Against you?"

"I suppose I could have worded that better. I have no intention of fighting you, but I will end up sparring against you just to see how you measure against me." Sekaino replied, calming Issei's panic. Though just as quickly he rekindled it as he opened the window, before announcing, "Just tell your parents I left early. I'll be watching over you for the day. Maybe we might run into those Devils."

Issei nodded his head before Sekaino jumped, landing just out of view. Closing the window, Issei began to get ready for school. However, before he did, Issei looked at his broken alarm lying on the floor. With a twitching eye, he thought to himself, 'He better get me that damn harem,'

Time Skip

Elsewhere - Kuoh Academy

"Man this blows, 'your life's about to be more interesting' my ass," Issei muttered while walking into the familiar school grounds. Normally he would've already been leering over as many girls as he could've, but he didn't feel like it right now.

Silently entering the main school building, he began looking for his perverse friends. Luckily he didn't have to look too hard for them as they were resting on the middle landing of a staircase. Walking up to them he ignored any greeting, opting to let them engage with him. Once both noticed his presence they looked at him with a petty expression. Issei furrowed his brow, before saying, "What's your problem?"

"What's our problem!?" The two both yelled, their faces smashed together with their fists held in front of them. Issei backed away, holding his arms up, surrendering to his only friend's wrath before one continued with, "You still have a girlfriend!"

"Yeah! For all we care you betrayed us." His friend, Motohama added, his foggy glasses reflecting the dull light of the school building. His other lecherous friend, Matsuda followed with, "I should kick your ass man!"

His eyes closed from fury, as he grabbed Issei by the collar threatening to punch him. Issei glared back at his friend, responding with, "Back off man! Don't get jealous because I can get a girl's attention!"

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