Chapter 16 - False Emperor Pt. 2/10 "Twilight Compunction"

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   "How strong was he?" A man asked his subordinate, the person in question, responding, "Weaker than most Heroic Spirits based on what I could gauge, but he was still a capable fighter, and one that has immense potential."

   "Interesting, how much would you say?" The first man asked, the second answering, "I... I can't say, but if I'm being honest, it feels as though he isn't used to fighting opponents of the same caliber that he is, but he did well enough against me."

   The first man smiled, his back towards the second as he added, "And what of your contract with her? The World God?"

   "It was certainly weird, the very energy she ran on felt entirely like the opposite of what us Servants use, though other than that, because of her role, it allowed me to use my full strength against him." The Servant explained, the first man, now using some sort of console on top of a floating circular platform surrounded by orange displays, replied with, "Good, I'm glad. It means their World God shouldn't concern you, assuming he hasn't reached full strength."

   The Servant nodded, turning to leave, however, something stopped him from doing so, his curiosity. Stuck with a question that echoed in his mind, he asked, "Master, why do you want to invade their universe?"

   He watched his Master pause on the elevated platform, an eerie silence resounding in the chamber the two were in. After what felt like an eternity, the man turned as the platform lowered into a matching port that housed the construct when it wasn't in use.

   With a magnetic sealant, the structure hissed into place, allowing the man to step off toward his Servant.

   "You see, Lancer, he interests me, my doppelgänger that is. In almost every other multiverse where he lives, he's a degenerate, the most perverted, disgusting piece of filth that you can imagine, lusting for the idea of a harem." The man began, the Servant listening as his Master meandered around the room, continuing with, "Yet in his multiverse, Multiverse 93 that is, he's different. While he was originally going to turn out exactly like the others, he didn't."

   "And it's because of their World God." Lancer interrupted, his Master nodding as he stated, "Precisely, the World God currently on Earth 93 changed him, and that's something I want to see."

Time Skip


   The train the group of men were sitting on shook about, racing along the steel tracks which were placed god knows how long ago. Looking out of the window, Issei saw they were on a bridge spanning across a gorge housing a lush boreal forest, with rivers carving their way through the canyon, before the trench eventually spread open, fading into grassy plains at the foothills of the mountains they were on top of in the first place.

   To say Issei was surprised was an understatement, during the rating game he was technically in another universe, whether or not it was the Underworld, he didn't know, though he thought it'd be best to assume so. Regardless, he didn't really get a good feel for the Underworld, only the Devils he's met so far acting as a reference for its culture, and the landscape around him when Sekaino butchered Riser acting as a reference for its geography, though that wasn't exactly a good first impression. If he was being honest, he had assumed he'd see decrepit landscapes with massive gothic monuments stretching into the sky, black clouds blocking any sunlight. Instead of his original image, he was met by beautiful landscapes which he'd never seen on Earth, though it wasn't as if he was much of an explorer to begin with. Prancing through the fields were animals that he had known to be extinct, that or entirely fictional.

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