Chapter 4: Invasion on Chicago (Part 2)

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(Kick, RED Team and the Open Fortress Mercenaries proceed further into Chicago as Kick suspects about how they easily took down the enemy soldiers.)

(Meanwhile, Frederick, Darren and Gray Mann are seen in their base as they prepare their weapon which is a big robot heavily armed.)

Frederick: So Kick is still alive...

Darren: With this thing, we'll make sure he dies for good.

Gray Mann: Bolted Behemoth, find Kick and his friends. And once you do... (smirks) Execute them!

(The Bolted Behemoth (Variant 1) nods in agreement and sets out to kill his targets

(Back to Kick, his suspicions have been confirmed as the first variant of the Bolted Behemoth comes in.)

(The Bolted Behemoth charges at Kick and manages to overpower him, shoving him off

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(The Bolted Behemoth charges at Kick and manages to overpower him, shoving him off. As the robot tries to shoot him down, Kick manages to dodge the bullets.)

RED Scout: Hey I can do this too.

RED Spy: Focus, Scout!

(Suddenly they get blown away by the Bolted Behemoth.)


(The Open Fortress and RED Sniper try to shoot the Bolted Behemoth down, but it proves to be in vain as the robot isn't fazed by the shots at all. RED Pyro tries to attack from behind, but gets grabbed and thrown into a building.)

RED Engineer: PYRO!

(RED Medic goes to heal RED Pyro while RED Engineer tries to blow the Bolted Behemoth with a missile, but the robot catches it and throws it back at him, blowing him away. RED Demoman shoots some bombs at the behemoth, exploding him. But the robot surprisingly survives.)

Kick: Okay, If I die, I'll die fighting!

(Suddenly a van comes out of nowhere, and then Gru, his family, Minions and Jack the Tankdog come in.)

Gru: Fear not, soldiers

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Gru: Fear not, soldiers. The cavalry has arrived.

(More Open Fortress soldiers come in, flanking Gru and his family. They surprisingly hold weapons from Crysis 2: Maximum Edition and Halo Infinite.)

Kick and The Red Team: Battle Against Gray MannWhere stories live. Discover now