Chapter 7: Final Battle (Part 1)

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(Kick and Gru are seen heading back to their base as they are greeted by the rest of the team.)

RED Scout: Hey, you're back.

RED Spy: (hits RED Scout's nut) Of course they are, you dumb good-for-nothing Scout.

RED Soldier: So? How was the mission?

Kick: Harder than I thought, but nothing I couldn't handle.

Gru: He just had to deal with some spoiled brats playing military.

(The minions laugh as RED Spy shushes them.)

RED Engineer: Well, another mission succeeded.

RED Spy: Ahem.

(Everyone turns their attention to RED Spy.)

RED Spy: While you two were putting some brats in their places, We found something you might be interested in. Follow me.

(They get inside the base, and then RED Spy turns to Lucy.)

RED Spy: Ladies first.

(Lucy clicks a button, and an holographic projection of Gray Mann's Main Base of Operations is shown.)

Lucy: We have finally pinpointed the location of the main enemy base.

(Then Red Spy clicks another button, showing the location of Gray Mann's Main Base of Operation.)

RED Spy: (points at a red dot) This is where he and the two High Ranking Neon-Federation Soldiers are located.

Dru: We'll get in there, assault their base, and get those three pricks once and for all!

RED Spy: So? Everyone in?

(Everyone raises their hands.)

Heroes: Yes.

RED Spy: Alright, gentlemen. Let's go for it.

(Kick prepares his weapons, and so do Gru and his crew. RED Team also prepares their weapons as RED Spy puts his hat on. And finally, the heroes get out of the base in slow motion.)

Gru: Let's go, minions.

(The minions and the Open Fortress Mercenaries come in and join the heroes.)


(The heroes are seen in their respective positions.)

Kick: Okay, it's now or never. You ready?

RED Spy: We're in position.

Lucy: Commencing assault.

Gru: No, we gotta do it at the count of three.

RED Spy: Agreed. On three. One, Two, Three!

(Then the Open Fortress Mercenaries and the minions slam the door and start assaulting the base as a Robo-Mercenary sees them.)

Robo-Soldier: There they are! ATTAAAAAACK!

(The Robo-Mercenaries charge at the heroes, not knowing that Kick, Jack the Tankdog, RED Team, Gru, Lucy, their children and Dru have infiltrated the base.)

Kick: Okay, time to find those three.

RED Scout: Let's go, let's go, let's go!

(To be continued)

Kick and The Red Team: Battle Against Gray MannWhere stories live. Discover now