Chapter 9: Final Battle (Part 3)

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(Kick and Gray Mann are seen still face to face while the two High Ranking Neon-Federation Officers seen an helicopter as they prepare to get in.)

Dru: Helo inbound!

Gru: They're picking up Frederick and Derran. We gotta move!

Lucy: We gotta get through those pricks...

(The Open Fortress Mercenaries, RED Soldier, RED Scout, RED Sniper, RED Pyro and RED Engineer manage to take care of all enemy soldiers. Unfortunately the helicopter starts taking off.)

Gru: Run! Jump!

(They run toward the helicopter and jumped into it. Lucy punches an enemy and handed him over to RED Spy who shoots him. Dru and RED Heavy are busy fighting the other soldiers.)

Gru: Get him!

(RED Spy tries to shoot Frederick, who dodges and punches him in the face, knocking him down, but RED Heavy grabs both Frederick and Darren. Gru picks up a P226 up and shoots both of the Neon-Federation Officers, killing them. Suddenly the helicopter goes down.)

Lucy: We're going down.

(The Minions come in piloting another helicopter.)

Minions: Ta-Da!

Gru: Great job, minions.

(Then some minions get in the falling helicopter to rescue Gru and the rest of Kick's crew.)

(Back to Kick, he is seen still in his Apex Human Form while Gray Man is seen still in his mechanical suit.)

(Meanwhile at Lincoln Decade's World, Team Decade and their allies feel the immense power coming from Kick and Gray Mann. The same thing happens at Zach Snow's world. Task FOrce 10 feels them as well, including Haru Haru and Shun Shun.)

Haru Haru: Did you feel this?

Shun Shun: The power... it's similar to the power of a super saiyan...

(Even the Time Patrollers had felt such power.)

Xeno Goku: That power... it's similar to mine, and different at the same time...

Xeno Vegeta: How is that possible? Only saiyans who become Super Saiyans have such power...

Xeno Gohan: I hope there's nothing wrong...

(Back to Kick and Gray Mann, they are still fighting as they crash into various areas of the base.)

Gray Mann: Let's say I can take me along beat me. You can't beat me. You can't, you can't.

(Gray Mann tries to kick Kick, but the Apex Human grabs his leg before punching him, but the villain retaliates by kicking him away and slamming him down. Surprisingly, they are exchanging blows again as Gray Mann lands a hit on Kick, who responds with a punch. They he charges at him, but Kick kicks Gray Mann away. Gray Mann gets up and angrily turns to Kick.)


(Gray Mann charges at Kick again, but the Apex Human teleports off and reappears before kicking his face, but then Gray Mann grabs him and slams him into the ground. Kick is surprisingly still standing as Gray Mann gets angry. Kick approaches him, and Gray Man tries to take distance. Then they are face to face again as Gray Mann growls angrily while Kick shows a seemingly calm expression. Then they teleport over and over until they get in opposite directions as they are on each side of a rock. Gray Mann angrily punches it, but Kick is already gone.)


(Gray Mann tries to hit Kick, who swiftly dodges each and every punch of his.)

Kick and The Red Team: Battle Against Gray MannWhere stories live. Discover now