Part 5, A long talk

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Kelly's POV:

After driving away from the town and making are way to a little town with a motel, we chose to stay the night and have a needed talk,

Pulling into the motel's parking lot, I get out, while Arthur waits in the car, heading to the reception, entering I see that the receptionist is a large old bulldog smoking a cigar,

Receptionist: well, hello their hot stuff, what can I do for you

Ignoring his comment,

Kelly: I need a room for two

Receptionist: bet you do, 150$ a night, or you could stay for free

He gives a chuckle, reaching into my purse I pull out the money and pay, he gives an annoyed look and hands me a key,

Kelly: thank you, and I have a boyfriend, perv

Leaving the reception building, I go and get Arthur and quickly get to and into are room and lock the door and close the blinds,

Kelly: in comparison to the pervy receptionist the room is pretty good, well worth the 150$ I had to pay

Arthur: that much hu, here

Arthur then hands me a bunch of money from his bag,

Kelly: where did you get this and what else do you have in there

Arthur: I called in a favor from those friends I mentioned, the people that gave me this stuff, I saved there family members when Butch and his PMC's came looking for me

Kelly: I see, is that when you...

Arthur: yes, I killed his friend in the defense of others, though I wasn't the one who shot him

Kelly: ok, seeing as you can't go out in public, is there anything I need to get?

Arthur: no, it's been a long night and you've been through a lot in a few hours, you should rest, I'll keep watch

Kelly: thanks, but what about that talk?

Arthur: later, you need to rest, we have a long journey ahead of us

Kelly: ok, and thanks for not turning me away

Arthur: it was a difficult decision to make on the spot but seeing, or rather experience your feelings, well there wasn't time to argue, now get some rest

Kelly: ok

And with that I slip into bed and fall asleep, I didn't even realize how tired I was,

Arthur's POV:

I take a seat next to the window so that I can keep a look out through the blinds, if anything I'm worried about that receptionist trying something, it's not long before I hear the soft steady breathing from Kelly telling me she's asleep,

Trying not to make any noise, I make my way over to the spare bed and lay out my equipment, one tactical vest, one rifle that looks like an HK 416, along with ten fully loaded magazines, a USP 45 along with its suppresser and five clips, two more flash bangs, and three M18 smoke grenades, and one M67 fragmentation grenade, along with 3000$, so quite a bit considering its all-stolen equipment,

Taking my seat, I think about what's happened in a short amount of time, relatively, my identity and existence is out, and now I'm on the run again, better yet, the daughter of the man whose chasing me and wants me dead, likes me and is on the run with me, stuff like this only happens in movies and stories, but I guess I'm in one now,

*Time skip*

Guess I dosed off, it's around 9:47 am according to the hands on the clock, Kelly's still asleep but that's fine, what's not is the amount of traffic going on outside, isn't today Wednesday, guess everyone's busy getting to work, means we can't leave without a high chance of me being seen, gives us time to talk then,

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