Ch 1: The New Beginning

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"It has been 4 years prior to my meetup with that guy. That guy?.... Who? Whatever. It's probably not important. Right, today I was supposed to learn how to use the bow from Eldest brother Kiyan but he is nowhere to be seen. So I am currently looking for him. I don't know if this is allowed but I'm gonna try and look for him using the trick I learned from one of the books I used to read." Lance said excitingly.

"Brother Kiyan? Are you there? Huh? I wonder what was it that passed by the window? Oh well I'll go and look for brother agai- huh?" suddenly, a figure pulled Lance away from the window.

"Ouch! Brother Kiyan? What's going on?" as if saying that Lance should stay behind him. Kiyan pulled out a bow under his cloak and pulled its string.

"What the? Why the bow all of a sudden? Is it because of that thing that passed by the window?" Lance quietly thought.

As if reading her mind and answering the question. Kiyan shot the shadow that passed through the window.

"The shadow? Why? What's in there Elder Brot-" 


"Blood? Wait.... An invisible assassin? Brother! Is it an assassin? Huh, why are you looking at me like that Brother?"

"Who taught you about assassins Lance?" Kiyan asked in an almost demanding manner that reminded Kia, now Lance of those interrogators from detective dramas.

"It was Brother Anthony. He said they will come to my room and then hide in my closet and kill me when I open it!" Lance said, hoping that Kiyan will stop Anthony from scaring her.

"Oh? It seems me and your brother needs to have a talk. A very nice talk ^^" saying that, Kiyan's face looks like that of a fox

"Really? Well Brother Anthony is in his room, I just came from there." Lance informed.

"What were you doing in his room?" Kiyan asked with a hint of anger.

"I was learning about potions and magic from Brother! He also taught me this way of walking where I can't even hear my own footsteps but still move quickly! Isn't cool Brother Kiyan?" Lance looked like a kid waiting to hear compliments.

"Ahahaha! It looks like it will be a lengthy chat indeed." Kiyan laughed loudly but with a hint of malice and sarcasm.

"Why does Brother Kiyan want to talk with Brother Anthony?" Lance asked in her mind.

"Well...." Lance said hesitating.

"What is it Lance?" Kiyan asked.

"You said you'd teach me how to use the bow Brother Kiyan....But I guess you're busy." Lance said with a hint of disappointment in their voice.

"You can't practice the bow in a dress like that, especially as a beginner. You'll only get hurt" Kiyan looked at Lance and saw that she was wearing a white shirt with long sleeves, accompanied with a white jabot and a black jumper connected to a knee-length skirt.

"But brother, I learned some of the stance from the books Brother Anthony gave me so I am not a beginner anymore! I also like this dress since it's comforting too!" Lance retorted.

"Why in the world am I acting like a child? Wait, I am a child. Why would I try and act like an adult? Is it some subconscious thing?" Lance confusingly pondered in her head.

"He....GAVE.....You.....WHAT?" Kiyan asked in a furious tone.

"Yeah, it's this book right here" Lance picked up a book amongst the other books that she dropped when Kiyan pulled her.

"Isn't this the book from Father's office!? This is our family technique!" If someone see Kiyan, they'd think that he finds the whole situation absurd.

"Family technique? Is it like something only for us brother?" Lance asked.

"Yes, but you weren't suppose to learn it." Kiyan is pondering on how to explain this when their parents get back.

"I already finished the book and practiced the stances and forms so we don't waste time on the basics!" 

"When exactly did you learn it?" Kiyan asked

"I asked brother Anthony to teach it to me and he told me to practice it in front of him." Lance is now starting to get confused on why her brother is asking her questions.

"THAT ORANGE-HEAD BASTAR- ehem, pardon me for my language Lance." Kiyan swore but suddenly remembered that his youngest sister is there, in front of him.

"It's okay brother. But if brother Anthony is an orange then does that make me and you a coal?" Lance asked curiously.

"No, it doesn't okay? We are strong and can be mistaken as coal" Kiyan wanted to continue saying, 'we are suited for blending in with the shadows' but remembered that Lance should never become an assassin.

"Does that mean we are awesome brother?"

"Yes we are awesome. Now go get change and head to the grounds afterwards"

"Okay big brother!"

Author Note: The bow technique is something they will teach Lance as a self-defense and not something she will use to do something that is connected with her family's job.

The footwork technique her other brother taught her is a modified technique made by her family because the original one is well known throughout their enemies.

Kiyan was mad because they weren't suppose to continue on the technique to their siblings but rather to their own children but Anthony broke that rule and completely taught Lance the foundation of their household.

You might see me write some techniques that are exclusively just for the family Lance is a part of. The reason for this is because everyone in TCF has something exclusive just for them that they either learned from someone or from their family.

Just to make it clear, Lance's family are hunters (not the one who cross worlds, more like bounty hunters and treasure hunters.) They will hunt anything or anyone so long as the price is right. The other condition is that the target is not a child nor is it kidnapping innocent people. They want to create a borderline between pure evil and neutrality.

You won't see me post a lot of chapters since I'm not very good at writing, I don't have motivation and I have to review for my exams

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