Ch 3: A Little Training , Hiyah!

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At a forest located in a hidden mountain of the Eastern Continent, A man with a young complexion and a little girl can be seen and heard faintly. This two individuals have matching black hair but their eye colors are different. The young girl has yellow eyes that can make someone feel like they are being watched just by looking at it. The man with a young complexion has grey eyes which can make one feel as if there is a hidden secret beyond the greyish fog.

The man with a young complexion can be seen teaching the young girl something. The young girl that is being taught can be seen huffing and trying to catch their breath. But! The man with a young complexion shouted at the air.

"Pull the string faster! The enemy won't wait for you!" Kiyan shouted in a loud scolding and educating manner. 

"I'm tr-trying to do just that Brother Kiyan!" Lance said in a tired tone as her body is screaming at her to rest and to just ignore everything. It is worth noting that her words are filled with motivation to surpass her limit but her mind is not agreeing with said motivation. 

"Damn it! Did he forget that I'm 4 yrs old? Has Brother Kiyan gone mad!?" Lance asked and/or complained in her head.

"Stop thinking! Decide in a critical instant! That is how archers are!" Kiyan said in a loud instructing tone.


An arrow was released from the grip of an archer and hits a bullseye located in the middle of a large tree. 

"Did I- Did I do well for a beginner brother?" Lance asked in a tired tone. Her body is filled with sweat and her hands are visibly shaking.

"It's just been an hour and you can already hit the bullseye? It seems I can increase the intensity of this training hm?" Kiyan said in a voice filled with teasing but is also mixed with anger but his mind is more focused on something else.

"So long as you say that you are tired, we would stop. Why are you not retreating from this training? It pains me to see you like this, especially because you are young. Please just say you're tired. I am willing to play the villain role if it meant that you won't get hurt." Kiyan pleaded secretly.

"Was it because of what happened earlier? Should I have not done that?" Lance thought with worry while also having enough space to think that's not the reason why.

"I'm sorry Big Brother.....I didn't mean to worry you like that...." Lance said in an apologetic tone. 

"I'm glad that you know you are at fault. Even if you are fast at learning it does not mean that you should be doing assassination techniques at such a young age." Kiyan said in an annoyed tone.

"What does Big Brother mean?" Lance asked in a voice filled with confusion.

"What I mean is that you should be running around or playing pranks on others. Play outside and get home tired." Kiyan said.

"So like practicing? I don't really get why kids at this age play around. Isn't this the perfect time for kids. This is the time where you should be looking for new songs to practice right? Wait.... practice.... piano?" Lance raised her hand to reach out for her head but managed to stop herself at the last second.

"So you don't get what I mean" Kiyan said while sighing helplessly. Although he noticed that Lance was trying to reach out her hand to something, it did not occur to him that she was trying to reach out for her head.

"Maybe I should play the piano in front of them? I don't get some of the music piece here in this world but maybe the others are easy. Why do I keep thinking about the piano?" Lance thought.

"Big Brother! Does that mean I should practice more and more?" Lance said as she reached her own conclusion.

"No, I want you to take a toy and play with it." Kiyan said.

"Oh so play the piano while making a doll move with magic! Really, my Big Brother expects a lot from me!" Lance thought with joy.

"Ok Brother!" Lance said

"Why do I feel like Lance misunderstood me?" Kiyan thought.


At a room in a certain manor. A man with young complexion and has orange hair can be heard laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH LOOK AT THIS SIARAH!" Anthony laughed loudly that it would not be a surprise if the whole manor heard it. At this point, Anthony's vibe as a calm and collected person is slowly crumbling because of his youngest sister and eldest brother's interaction.

"Why are you suddenly laughing out loud Anthony?" Siarah asked informally.

"Kiyan is- Kiyan is getting misunderstood! Hahahhaha!" Anthony said while laughing. He took out his fan covered his face again.

"Eldest brother probably doesn't know what Lance is thinking of doing." Siarah said nonchalantly.

"Yes. That is exactly what I mean by him getting understood." Anthony said while catching his breath.

"I can only hope that he isn't the one that's gonna get the blame when Mother and Father finds out." Siarah said with a hint of worry for her Eldest Brother.

"Right! Speaking of Mother and Father, they are supposed to arrive today." Anthony said like he was just telling how beautiful the day is. It is not since it was raining.

"Oh shiii-ot! I forgot to finish my remaining missions!" Siarah said in worry, for herself this time. 

"Good luck with that dear older sister of mine." Anthony said playfully but immediately regretted it when Siarah said her next words.

"Good luck with your project heh, I'm sure Mother and Father will do something to that as punishment. You shouldn't have made our youngest do that." 

"I'm screwed huh." Anthony said.

"We both are. The degree of the level is the only one different. Mine is lighter, yours is heavier. Best of luck for the both of us then." Siarah said.

Author Note: Just a glimpse of Lance's backstory. I got inspired from a conversation I had back then with my rp brother. They want to learn the violin while I want to learn the piano, so I decided to make Lance's past life mostly connected to music.

Also the parents are appearing at Chapter 4

Sorry for the random posting and short chapters. Like I said, I am very bad at writing

TCF FANFIC!Lance BackstoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon