A flash of a memory

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Inside the dreamscape of a certain girl named Lance is a piano of unknown origin. Lance, who could not remember why they are there, approaches the piano and starts playing a song when suddenly...


The sound of shattering can be heard throughout the whole area and Lance was suddenly engulfed in a blinding light.

"Kia- Sukia! Sukia listen to me!" A black haired lady demands. "You need to rest! Although we are glad that you found your calling, it is not healthy to practice piano for 5 hours straight!"

'Sukia? Did I somehow...come back? That voice.....is that....Mother?' Lance thought to theirself.

"Sukia, please rest. If you won't do it for yourself then do it for me! Please Sukia, rest..." The mother pleaded.

'Why did I ever think Mother....was bad? Have I....forgotten what normal is or....did I lose myself to music?' Lance deeply thought. 'The surrounding is also very vivid but why?' Lance wanted to explore the dream more but was interrupted by a familiar voice calling out to her.

"Child, when will you wake up? Your father is very worried about you. I apologize for erasing some of your memories, it is for the better good." 

'Who? Mister GoD is that you? What do you mean by erase some of my memories?' Lance inquired. 

"You will know soon child. For now, please wake up, your father from this side is waiting for you." After saying those words, the area was surrounded with a light.

"Have you woken up Lance? You suddenly fainted from mana exhaustion." Count Elius or Lance's father's voice was the first thing Lance heard when she has come to.

"I am fine Father, I guess I overdid myself" Lance tried to get up but was stopped by Count Atler. 

"There is no need to get up, keep resting. It is because you sound mature that I can't help but worry about you. You are still 4 years old, enjoy your childhood some more." Lance was slightly confused as to why, but this scene caused a sense of Deja vu and Lance did not like the feeling.

"I understand, I'll try and restrain from playing the piano and playing with weapons." Lance said to ease the mood that she just realized was slowly falling. 

This seems to be the right words as Count Atler decided to give her a gift. "Here Lance, I heard that you were interested with history so I bought you some books. The ones that your sister Siarah use is on the complex side so I bought some light ones for you."

Hearing this, Lance subconsciously smiled the most brightest smiled the whole County has ever seen. "

Thank you for the books, Father! I'll study it all carefully!" Lance said with glee, and her mind seems to agree with this. 'I finally have books that I can actually understand! I don't need to ask for Brother Anthony's help!' 

"I'm glad that you like the gift Lance. Although I also have a favor to ask of you." Lance was confused as to what the Count would want from his 4 year old daughter so she asked. "What would that favor be, Father?"

"Only learn the marksmanship of our family technique and don't practice the sword art. Is it okay with you?" Count Elius seems to want to convince Lance to not learn anything at all but decided against it as Lance needs a way to protect herself, and he knows that Lance will find a way to learn it one way or another. 

"Sure thing Father, I don't mind. I really like the bow so I'll keep using it!" Hearing this, Count Elius released a breath that he didn't know he was holding. "I'm glad that we were on the same page Lance."


The sound of a door being opened was heard throughout the room. 

"I finished talking with Anthony, dear. I suggest giving him more missions and reducing his funds for his projects." Countess Railah said with a stern voice. 

She seems to be contemplating something after saying those words but ultimately decided against it. 

"I agree with your Father, you need to enjoy your childhood more. Anthony must be a reason why you are maturing so fast. Although he is your brother, you need not to follow everything he says. Make sure your safety is your priority."

Hearing those words, Lance felt a sense of Deja vu again and a slight pain in her head made her subconsciously reach out to her head. 'Kia my dear child, you don't have to listen to the yapping's of those people who think they are all that. Enjoy some time with us and take some rest too.'

'What was that? Was that an illusion? It felt familiar for some reason' Lance silently thought. 

"Lance! Are you in pain somewhere? Tell your father and I will make it go away." When someone looks at Count Atler, no one would think that he is one of the top names of the underworld because of his show of concern. 

"Dear, it seems Lance needs more sleep. Look at her, she still looks tired after all that sleep." Countess Atler said.

"I don't think I'm sleepy at all Mother! In fact I feel very energized!" Lance hurriedly said. 

"You are right dear, Lance seems sleepy but is forcing herself to stay awake. Won't you sleep now Lance?" After saying those words, Count Atler reached out to touch Lance's head. 

Lance was confused but decided to say something, however a hand was placed on her head which coincidentally made her feel sleepy. "Sweet dreams Lance, Siarah will be here when you wake up." 

'Huh?...This again...? Is that...his...power?' Lance who could not understand why she suddenly feels sleepy, became suspicious of her own father. 'It was...the same... as....that....ti..me..' Someone falling to a bed could be heard. 

"Count, should we put a guard on Young Miss Lance door? Some intruder tried to laid their hands on her and we are currently talking with that intruder." The butler William asked. 

"I heard the situation from Kiyan. It seems I have to clean up the mess again. Why did I hire those mercenaries if they can't even do their job right. That Mercenary king was the only competent one." The Count of the Atler household said. 

"Mother, I heard that you forgot to tell me something?" The eldest of the siblings, Kiyan arrived behind Countess Railah. 

"Kiyan, get your little brother out of our office, I almost forgot about him." Countess Railah said but you can hear that the word forgot was said in a playful way. "I understand Mother." After saying that, Kiyan left quietly.


Tower here, looks like I can't keep my word when I said I'll make 2000 words for each chapter so please disregard that. I'll just make it 1000 word for each chapter since if I try to make it to 2000 chapter, it lessens my motivation. I apologize for that false word Interweb 

TCF FANFIC!Lance BackstoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora