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"Let me tell you all a story." Tiedoll said as he sat by the fire. Allen, Lavi, Kanda, Lenalee and the other exorcists gathered around. A story wasn't much but it was something to do besides wait and worry. A few finders sat near by, tending to Marshal Cross, who they had just found in ruin. His wound in his face wasn't as bad as they had perceived. It seemed that The Grave of Maria has spared his life. The bullet had only grazed his flesh.

Tiedoll got out his drawing pad and began to sketch. "The story I'm about to tell you is one that hasn't been talked about for over fifteen years. Before I begin, I might as well introduce the people in this story. One of them is the Young Marshal Cross. The other, his first lover."

Allen scoffed. He had seen many of Cross' lovers before. Surely this story would start and end the same as they all did. With alcohol and charm. Abandonment and broken hearts.

"Now, when Cross was younger, he became an Exorcist. That, we all know." Tiedoll continued working on his sketch and the story started. "One day, while on a mission, he came upon a horde of akuma who had among them a young woman. Cross, naturally destroyed the akuma. This young woman, however, did not fear him or cry over the monsters. She fawned over him. Brought him to her home. Tended his wounds and kept him well fed. He was there for the spawn of three days.

"Over those three days, he began to feel for her. It was small, but still there. Healed, he bid his goodbyes, knowing he may never see her again, but she was insistent. They kept in close contact with each other through letters. They grew closer together without knowing it.

"One mission, I was with Cross when we came to a small town. In the street, there was a young woman performing. Cross recognized her right away. She was his lover. I learned, through a later conversation, that she had been looking for him. He didn't want her too though, as he feared greatly for her safety.

"She stayed with us, rooming with Cross. I don't know what happened, but I do know that he was very worried about leaving her. I think his love for her was finally realized. We continued on with our mission. Cross was so worried about her that we nearly missed the Innocence.

"We did our job and returned. She was wrapped in his arms the moment they saw each other. I saw that it was a bad time for me to be there so I left him and her and returned to the order. They were later married that day. No one at the order knew until a year later."

Everyone was shocked. Cross had settled down? Impossible! Tiedoll only chucked and added more lines to his drawing. The more story that was told, the more the picture began to take form. It was a portrait of some sort, a woman no doubt. It's features were still a work in progress.

"Cross had hid her from the world for nearly a year. When we had finally discovered of their marriage, he left to be with her more. For once, he was happy. The last time he left to see her was tragic. He returned drunk, angry, shouting all sorts of things about how 'they killed her.' We learned that his wife had been murdered by an akuma."

Tears began to swell in Lenalee's eyes. Cross began to stir and the exorcists became downcast.

"Cross wished for death, but death never came. He didn't have a purpose without her. He tried to kill himself five times, and that's just the ones we knew about. One day, while in Hevlaska's chamber, he touched a new innocence fragment. Bright light filled the room and blinded everyone. When the light cleared, he was left holding the Grave of Maria, which he himself named. Cross put it on and smiled happily. He had found a purpose.

"Not long after that, he became the drunkard and womanizer we all know him to be. While he had purpose, he still had a hole in his heart. I believe that he's been trying to fill it for these fifteen years but hasn't been able too."

Tiedoll showed everyone the sketch. It was, indeed, a portrait of a woman, lean and beautiful. Her facial features were smudged and unclear, but the rest of her was visable. She looked like the kind of woman Cross would fall in love with. Everyone gazed at the picture long and hard. To Allen, there was something familiar about this woman. Something kind and generous. He thought over his memories, trying to place her, until he remembered that she had been dead long before he was born.

Cross sat up and looked at the picture as well. Tiedoll, being the kind heart he was, handed it to him, only to watch it burn in the fire.

"She is a memory. A sad and painful past that I didn't need to be reminded of." Cross huffed as he watched the flames eat the paper. Only the crackle of the flames was left to be heard and the anticipation began to set in. Tomorrow was a new day, no doubt going to be filled with the torment and games of the Earl.

The Darkness Unveiled [DGM  Wattyaward 2015 Winner]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora