The Tale of Maria Part 2

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I could do nothing but wait and ponder. He had left me with a small purse of coin, and I was alone. Walking through the town, I could see my fellow akuma. All level ones, no big deal. They weren't worth my time; I could see them whisper about me. They did see me with the exorcist. They did see I didn't kill him and soon the Earl would come to see me. I just had to wait.


"Akuma, rumor has it you were with an exorcist."

"Yes, my lord."

"What we're you doing with him?"


"Hmmm. You have a new mission."

"Yes lord millennium?"

"You are to lead him into a false sense of security, and then destroy him once and for all."


"Yes, lord millennium."


Pain sunk deep within me, sharper than the pain I suffered with as an akuma.

I had to kill him. The exorcist who spared me and took me with him on his travels. I had to destroy his only remnant. It hurt far too much, and I didn't know why.

I waited for two weeks for his arrival.


"My lady." His voice startled me. "I'm surprised to see you here." I was sitting alone on a bench when he approached me. His hazel eyes met mine as he sat beside me. "You're still here?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I value my life above all else."

Cross laughed. He laughed and laughed until he couldn't anymore. "Akuma, you will never cease to amaze me. Come, we are leaving this town." Then he did something that surprised both of us.

He took my hand in his, and for a moment, the world stopped. I could feel his heartbeat; it stopped for mere moments.

He turned and looked at me, still sitting. A breath fell from his lips and his eyes shimmered with a new light. I didn't understand. What was this odd feeling I felt deep in my chest? It sickened me. I slid my hand from his.

"Yes," I said, rubbing it. "We must leave."

He stared at me longer until he finally came to his senses.



Together we traveled once more in silence, his eyes constantly on me, only this time, it was different. He no longer looked as if he were trying to solve me, but he looked as if he had a longing.

"Why do you stare at me so, exorcist?"

"Because you are intriguing."

"How so?"

"You just are."

From then on, when we stood together, a fire raged inside me, constantly pulling between what I felt and what I had been ordered to do. It burned with hate and with something else. Something new. Something human.


Life became important to me above all else, both his and mine. I could not bear for him to leave me and I could not wait for his return. Whatever the exorcist had done to me, had worked. My mission from the Earl was near forgotten as I traveled. I did not wish to kill him, for that would only kill me instead; we wandered into a town.

Busy streets enthralled me. All the building teeming with life. Little shops lined every corner and children danced and sang at their doors. No one paid us mind, save it were a few akuma and women who took notice to Cross. They all stayed away at the sight of me.

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