The Tale of Maria Part 4

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We returned to the little house on the island, but I didn't care, he was with me. Another room was built off the side and life was good. There wasn't a moment I didn't feel loved. There wasn't a moment that was disturbed by the outside world save it be those times when Cross had to leave for work.

One morning, I woke before him and decided to surprise him. Climbing out of the bed and silently making my way to the kitchen, I bumped a closet door. This closet held his jacket, and in his jacket, his weapon, Judgement. Never had I been able to truly look at it. The desire to see the thing that could destroy me was overwhelming. I checked to make sure Cross was still asleep. He rolled over on his side and grabbed at the pillow. I smiled; something about that made me find him beyond adorable. Returning to the jacket, I slipped the gun out and sat on the floor, examining it.

The cool metal seemed to burn against my skin as if it knew what I was and wanted to destroy me. It seemed endlessly daunting in my hands - big and "evil" and wondrous - as I touched the detailing. Funny, it didn't seem so beautiful when I had first seen it, pressed against my head.

"Love?" Surprised, I dropped the gun in my lap and my eyes met Cross'. He was sitting up in bed. Upon seeing Judgement in my hands, he sighed and walked over to me.

"I'm sorry," I whispered as he picked it up.

"No. Don't be. I shouldn't have kept it hidden from you to begin with." He put the weapon back in the closet and helped me up. "What are you doing awake so early?"

I could feel a warmth rise in my cheeks. "I was going to make you breakfast before you had to set out."

He smiled big and wrapped his arms around me, collapsing on a sofa. "Why would I need breakfast when all I want is to be with you before I leave?"

Laughing, I responded. "Because you're still human and humans must eat to survive." He laughed with me.

"Of course, but I can get food anywhere. You, my dear, are only here."

"That's a lie."

"How so?"

"I'm an akuma in case you haven't noticed. My original body lies 6 feet under on the coast of Ireland."

He put his palm to his forehead. "Of course! I forgot. You just act so humanly it's so easy to forget." Cross gave me a peck on the cheek as he held me tighter. The sun rose higher in the sky and the tide came in.

I helped him gather his things and walked him to the boat. Sorrow came upon us like the water on the sand: slowly and without notice until it flooded the shores. With a warm embrace and a kiss upon the head, I watched him as he sailed to the mainland, waving goodbye until he had disappeared on the horizon.

It was a good two months until I saw him again. That time really brought things into perspective. I watched a rose bush grow and blossom. I watched the leaves bud and bloom. I watched the tide come endlessly in and endlessly out and I realized something. No matter how hard I could try, time would keep marching forward and leave me here, young and fair. My love would age and maybe even grow to think he was foolish to wed a monster. Either way, I would never change, but he would grow old and gray, maybe die while on a mission. His mind would change over and over again and he would learn new things. I would still be stuck on this island. For the first time since we met, I felt sorrow over being an akuma.


Rain puddles had formed by the masses in the dirt as the sea surged in anger. A little boat. I had seen a little boat out on the water in the storm. Mud clung to my bare feet as I ran to the shore. Darkness and hate filled the air, thunder clapped above and lighting struck the distance.

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