Author Update

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Alright guys. Here's whats up. When you see something titled Author Update, it's just me checking up on y ' all making sure everything's okay. I'll post questions below and you guys answer them in the comments tagged to the question number its for. I'll try to do these things often but not so often that it's annoying. Probably every four or so chapters. So let's get started

Question 1: How's the story so far?
Be honest with this one, okay? I'm one of those writers who can't and won't take "good" as an answer

Question 2: Is anything confusing you?
Let's all be honest, we've all read stories that are confusing as crap and I don't want this to be one of those stories. Just specify what's confusing you and why.

Question 3: What do you want to see happen?
I love it when my fans spark ideas and possible occurrences for my book. I'd love it even more if I knew what they were. I am, after all human and my creative juices aren't always flowing very well.

Question 4: What's your favorite part so far?
This isn't really to improve my writing, I just want to know :3

Question 5: Any tips for getting better?
Not only do I benefit from this question but everyone else who reads it's answers. We are all trying to learn and grow in this world of writing.

That's it for this Author Update. Remember to vote and share and just enjoy the story.

Luv you all,

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