Chapter 4

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A clock chimed twelve times throughout the marble room. The lights dimmed and Allen looked around. Strength would be needed for tomorrow, no doubt about it; he crawled into his sleeping bag. Rest would not find him easy, just like everyone else. Quiet, quiet muffles of whispers could be heard from a few, but not well enough to decipher what was being said. Allen's eyes flickered shut and sleep enveloped him. Sleep and horror.

The sand squished between his toes, cool and moist. Allen looked at the sky. Overcast and not a bird to be seen. Not even a ship in the distance. 'How strange.' He thought as he looked over the waves. They seemed to be glass, still and clear. Beautiful and eerie. Leaning down, he skimmed his finger across the surface. It was solid but still rippled under his touch. A shadow moved by him and he turned around.

A woman adorned in a flowing white garment passed him by, solemly. She didn't turn to look at him. Only moving forward. "Hello." Allen called. No response. He turned, looked at her, and cocked his head. Did she hear him?

"Ma'am, wait!" He ran to her side and walked with her. She blinked once and turned to him.

"You are the first company I've had here." The voice that escaped from her lips was that of a bell. Soft and magical.

"What do you mean by that?" Surely he wasn't the first or second to touch this beach.

The woman stopped and looked to her right; Allen looked as well. There, stood a steep hill, covered in gray grass and flowers. "What's beyond that hill?" He asked.

"Ring four."

"And beyond that?"

"Ring three."

"And that?"

"Ring two, then ring one." Allen didn't ask another question. He assumed that that was all. "Than heavan and earth, both the center and the gateway in."

He looked at the woman, who looked longingly at the hill. Whatever was overthere was more desirable than the peaceful shore. Allen wanted to see.

He stepped forward and began the steep climb to the top. The nearer he got, the more he could hear. Screams. Murderous, tormented screams. He looked over and his heart stopped.

Souls. Chained up and rotting. One below saw him and tried to reach him. It was shocked and screamed.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" The woman said, still standing on the shore.

Allen turned and looked at her. "What are they?"

"You know what they are."

Allen wished he didn't. "They are-"

"Akuma? Yes." Her eyes grew dark and water streamed from them.

"How? Why am I here?"

She laughed, blood and water trickling from her mouth. "Why my son, you are one of us."


Kanda had only dreamed of her. Her gentle eyes and bright smile. The thought could almost bring him to tears. 'Why?' He had lay, wondering. 'Why her? Sure, her mother passing was a shame, but why her?'

He, himself had closed his eyes, not desiring to stare at the star speckled ceiling. Darkness awaited him. Darkness and a pain his heart longed to get rid of, but couldn't.

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