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This one is a post TUE story but I messed with the timeline a bit so some season 3 events did occur like getting his ice powers. I made him 16 and the Teen Titans timeline is after the movie Trouble in Tokyo. The first chapter may seem angsty but I'm going to try and gradually steer away from that as I go.

Please enjoy my story!=^-^=

Disclaimer: DP I don't have to do. I don't own Teen Titans at all! Or any other recognizable characters described below.

Ch. 1 - Fateful Encounter


They're gone….. all of them….. gone. I found myself going over it over and over in my head but… it can't be real. I gazed over the site of the explosion for probably the billionth time. "I won didn't I?" Why aren't they here!? Why couldn't I save them!? It's not fair!... but it is. I was the reason all of this happened. "It's my fault."

"Yes but you over turned your destiny." I turned to see Clockwork floating at my right. "I gave you the chance to change your future and you took it. You chose to do the right thing. Blaming yourself will only keep you in one place, but if you move forward, you can find something to live for." He looked mournfully at the ruined Nasty Burger.

"Couldn't you do something…. Anything?" He's the master of time for pete's sake.

"I'm sorry but I already interfered far too much. The time stream can only be bent so much."

Just as I thought… nothing can change. I felt my hands begin to tremble. "They're…. Gone….." I floated down to the center of the wreckage.

"Daniel…. You have to move forward." I placed my hands over my face and felt the tears fall. He placed his hand on my back. He cares and I know he's trying to help, but he's asking the impossible here! My parents, sister, Tucker… Sam. What else can I possibly have to live for!? "Well if you refuse to listen to me now, how about a nice distraction? I'm sure you could use something to get yourself moving."

He then handed me a piece of paper and left. It was coupon…. For donuts. I couldn't help but let out a choked laugh. He's got a messed up sense of humor if he thinks that donuts are going to make me feel better. I don't even know where this place is. "Daniel!" Great…. Just who I wanted interrupting my sulking.

"What do you want Plasmius?" I didn't bother getting up or turning to face him.

"You've been moping around for the last week…. You need to come home." I'm a bit surprised he's not more angry. This has to be the 5th time I've ditched him. I was moved in to live with him only a few days after the explosion, but it'll never be my home. That house is…. Cold. It only makes me miss all those I lost even more.

"That's not my house!" I clutched at my knees. "It never will be!"

"Daniel you have to let them go!"

"Easy for you to say! The only one you cared about was my mom!" He remained silent after that. Figures, I hit the nail on the head. How could he possibly understand how this feels.

"You're right…." Whoa wait….. did I just hear that right? I turned to him in a bit of amazement. "What? Is it so amazing that I admit you're right for once!? Maddie was the only one I lost and I'd like it to stay that way! I know we've never really gotten along but….."

NO….no no no no no! "I get it alright! You finally have what you wanted, but I'm not coming back! All you've ever wanted was me as your stupid apprentice and now that I've got nowhere to go, I'm right where you want me right?! Well I'm not about to let that happen!" I flew off at top speed, which was pretty hard considering I haven't eaten all day.

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