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Danny had spirited Raven away and back to his room for some peace and quiet. There he fell back on his bed while Raven sat crisscross facing him. "So what now?" She asked with a slightly amused tone.

"Now?" Danny asked as he took a breath. "Now we stay in here for the next few months until Cyborg and Beat Boy get bored waiting."

Raven rolled her eyes. "How about plan B?" She suggested.

"Hmm….. I guess morning will be long enough then…." He let out a sigh. "I can't believe I just did that."

Raven raised a brow. "You know they would have figured it out eventually."

"Yeah, but I didn't want to help it along! I was just so….. so relieved." He then turned to her and sat up. "I was so relieved you were okay." He reached out and brushed some hair from her face. "I don't know what I would have done if that jerk had gone any further."

Raven reflexively reached up to her neck as she thought about it. The last thing she saw before waking up, was Faust trying to choke her to death. "What exactly happened? When I woke up all Scott told me was that the fight was over and everyone else was outside."

Danny seemed surprised by that since he hadn't seen Scott since that that thing on the rooftop. "Well…. When I saw him choking you…. I just couldn't stop myself. I'm not completely sure how it happened, but I ended up with the crown. After that it was almost too easy to fight him… it was weird to be honest." Danny admitted with a confused expression. "Anyway though, Faust was taken care of by these Regent ghosts, and Robin sent the human Faust to Maximum security. I guess that just means we have nothing to worry about…. For the time being I mean." He then flopped down on the bed and raised a hand over his chest.

Raven watched as he clenched his hand curiously before reaching out for it. "You're still hurt from before aren't you?" She seemed slightly angry as she asked him that.

Danny shook his head and relaxed his hand. "No, I'm fine, Raven really. It doesn't hurt at all anymore." He then let out a sigh as his eyes moved to gaze far off. "It just feels weird. I don't know, I mean I gave the crown to those Regent guys, and they did some hidey magic thing, but it still feels like I'm wearing it somehow. Not the power part, but just the feeling. Like when you wear a hat too long and finally take it off?"

Raven seemed intrigued by what he was describing, but not completely sure what he meant. "The Crown of Fire is supposed to be the most powerful artifact in the ghost zone. Maybe this is just a lingering effect." She stated with a calm expression. To be honest, she was just happy he wasn't hurt anymore, but that doesn't mean it didn't bother her.

"What about you?" Danny asked rather suddenly. "Your voice sounds a little strained."

She reached back up to her neck. "It's a little sore, but fine." She explained as she pulled down her cloak.

Considering the force Faust was choking her with, the absence of bruising filled Danny with relief. "Good….." He let out a sigh. "One less thing to worry about then." He seemed to relax more and close his eyes. "Finally…." His morph ring then formed at his waist and enveloped him. "I can relax." Raven couldn't help but laugh slightly at his somewhat dorky expression. "Again with the laughing?" Danny asked without opening his eyes. He then quickly snagged her hand and pulled her down with him. "You should relax too. I know you're tired." He declared from beside her. She blushed as she lay on her side facing Danny. While he was still lying where he was, his left hand still held her own tightly. Considering what had gone on only a few hours ago, this peaceful moment they were sharing was more than welcome; just the two of them.

After a few days of rest, Titans Tower was almost business as usual as Danny entered the main room for breakfast. It was a little early for him, but he didn't mind. Dani instantly turned to him from the bar. "Morning, Danny!" Terra was sitting next to her drinking orange juice.

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