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Danielle?" He looked at the younger halfa clamped around him. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you of course!" She responded with a tighter squeeze.

Danny couldn't help but smile down at the shorter halfa clinging around him. "It has been awhile hasn't it? You've gotten taller." As he turned to look around the lab he noticed the other occupants of the room out of his peripheral sight. "Whoa! What are you guys doing here!?"

They all wore relieved expressions as they looked upon their friend. "We came looking for you."

"Yes, Raven showed us the marvelous portal you had inside the room of storing clothes."

Cyborg placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's good to see you're alright."

Wulf surprised him a bit by licking the side of his face in delight. "My friend you are looking better. I am so happy to see you!"

"Happy to see you too, Wulf." He said as he wiped the slobber off his face. Robin was quick to get to the point once everyone had their say though Raven was quiet. She met eyes with him for only a moment and saw his expression soften as he returned her gaze. It was the kind of mutual exchange that could only come from those who spoke in silence; knowing what the other had to say without saying a word.

"So, Danny, what exactly happened?" Dani loosened her grip to allow him to respond properly.

"It's kind of a crazy story actually you see I wasn't the only one the Observants wanted. Vlad had already been captured and they shoved me into the same cell as him."

Dani giggled at that. "He deserves it."

"Yeah, but I do owe him one this time. If he hadn't been captured too the Fright Knight wouldn't have burst into the hall sword blazing like he did."

Robin raised a brow in confusion. "Wasn't he the one who captured you though? Why let you escape?"

Danny shrugged. "I'm not really sure but I guess whatever hold the Observants had on him must've ended. After that he didn't care whether I escaped while he broke Vlad out."

Dani gave him a worried look. "Why did they capture you in the first place? Did you do something wrong?"

Danny crossed his arms and wore an annoyed expression. "To be honest I'm still not sure. It's not like they have their rules plastered on the wall or anything. They said I was conspiring with Vlad to destroy the ghost zone." Starfire gasped in a dramatic fashion. "Relax, Star it's not true. Even I know what would happen if you erase and entire plane of existence especially one so interconnected with the human world."

Cyborg scratched his head. "Did they have any proof?"

Danny rolled his eyes as he thought about their infallible reasoning. "Apparently they jumped to that conclusion after they somehow found out that I brought Raven into the ghost zone. They have this long standing issue with sorcery I had no idea about. They blamed her when one of the Observants disappeared."

Raven wore a scowl slightly more agitated looking than normal. "That's ridiculous. I didn't even know what an observant was."

"Couldn't it have just left or passed on or something? Isn't that what ghosts do?" Beast Boy asked with a very lost expression.

"That's the thing, Beast Boy, Observants don't just disappear. They are always found in their council tower and can use it to teleport anywhere in the ghost zone. The only times they leave are in groups when they have to meet with certain ghosts. Apparently this one disappeared without anyone noticing until it was too late."

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