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About 15 minutes later the group was now in clear visual distance of the cavern concealing Danny's portal. Danny in the lead with Dani in his arms followed by the other Titans, finally let out a collective sigh of relief at the prospective end of their other worldly adventure. Though Dani couldn't say she was happy to be carried, she didn't mind as much as they flew through the zone. She had never actually been in it and of course gaped in wonder at its crazy make up. Danny couldn't help but let out a few laughs at her reaction.

He set her down on the floating rock just outside the cavern. "So it's in here?" She started towards the cavern just as the others caught up. Only a few steps inside and the stomp of large feet were heard.

As Beast Boy wobbled a bit he remembered the large ghost dog keeping guard of Danny's portal. "Is that dog gonna attack us again?!" With a large leap he flew out of the cavern and toppled Dani mid-step. Even more surprising than the sudden appearance was the fact that he was licking her in delight rather than growling like he did for most other newcomers.

"Hey, Cujo." The dog stopped licking the giggling halfa in favor of looking towards his master who had just called his name. He barked and jumped over towards him. "Down boy!" It was all Danny could do to keep on his feet as the spectral hound started to lick him as well. After a few licks the dog shrank down and jumped into his arms.

"I didn't know you had a dog." Dani had, by now, gotten up to pet the dog in Danny's arms.

"He's not mine, but he does have a bad tendency to follow me home. I figured if he was gonna stick around anyway then he'd make a good guard dog like he was at Axiom Labs." Danny let Cujo down and continued into the cavern with the others close behind.

"I don't know about you guys, but traveling through other dimensions makes me hungry." Cyborg was rubbing his stomach as he thought of what he would make. "I'm thinking Italian!"

"Sounds good to me….. you can make that vegetarian right?" Beast Boy took up stride beside his robotic friend who gave him an 'are you serious' expression. "I've had enough of this creepy place." It wasn't long before they had their sights on a familiar glowing green swirl and they went through one by one. Once everyone was through Danny shut down the portal and closed the security doors that covered it.

"So you really put it in a closet?" Dani asked with one eyebrow raised.

Danny shrugged as he picked up a suspiciously out of place thermos. "Best idea I had at the time…. By the way. Did any of you mess with my thermoses?"

Cyborg was quick to point his finger at Beast Boy who gave him a sheepish grin. "Yeah….. sorry about that…."

"He let some weirdo calling himself the Box Ghost out of it."

Danny rolled his eyes a bit and set the thermos back on the shelf. "Well that's going to be annoying later." He then turned to Robin who seemed to be deep in thought. "So Robin I figured-"

He was cut off by a rather loud growl coming from Dani. She held her stomach with a sheepish grin. "Sorry….. I guess not eating for two days left me starving."

Cyborg opened the door. "It's alright, I'm starving too. Let's go make some dinner!" He raced out with Beast Boy just behind him.

"What was it you were trying to say Danny?" Robin inquired as he looked up from his thoughts. Starfire was exiting the room with Raven close behind beckoning Robin to follow.

"It's nothing….. We can talk later." He waved him out of the room. Now it was just him and Dani as he sat down on his bed.

She gave him a sympathetic look. "So did you want to talk about it?"

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