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was utter panic as the royal ghost dove down for the apparel as if it were life itself and he beamed when he touched it. The grin that spread on his face was terrible as he clutched it between his bony fingers. "My amulet! Finally! Dora will rue the day she crossed me!" He quickly placed it around his neck and its glow followed soon after. "Now you humans will pay for getting in my way!" He shouted as his transformation set in.

Danny tried to cut him off with a tackle through the living room windows, but it seemed to have little effect. Even while only half transformed Aragon had the hide of a dragon. He finished his transformation as he fell and his broad wings caught him before he hit the ground. "Worthless peasants!" He bellowed as he flew up towards the roof. "You will bow to your betters!" He hovered in place in front of Danny who floated between him and the tower. "You too, Phantom! You ruined my sister with your modern ideas; you and that woman!"

Danny raised a brow. "Says the guy who kidnapped her in the first place?" He said with all sarcasm intended. Aragon responded with a puff of fire which Danny easily dodged. His next move was not so obvious as he swung up his tail, which grazed Danny's arm. Danny grabbed it in pain, and the dragon took advantage by slapping down with his claw.

Aragon wore a smirk as Danny fell like a rock towards the water. "Take that, knave!"

His victory was short lived, however, when a green blast struck his chest. "Yo, scaly! You forget about us?" Cyborg wore a satisfied smirk when he saw the scorch mark left and a none too pleased prince. Beast Boy was the next to move as he took on the form of a Pterodactyl and swooped down at the dragon with his gloved talons. When he missed he turned into a leopard and landed on his back, swiping at him every chance he got with his ecto enhanced claws. Starfire joined Cyborg in laying down fire only she was coming from behind him.

Raven took her chance to check on Danny before a large, black, spiked tail got in the way. She stopped herself before it hit but barely. "You will do nothing of the sort, wench!" The dragon yelled as he shook Beast Boy off his back. Raven's hands glowed with her magic as she recited her magic words. With one motion of her hands she wrapped his wings up and caused him to fall to the water himself. He struggled madly to break free and finally succeeded just before hitting the water. The breaking of her spell shook Raven a bit but she quickly recovered.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw something break the water, but she couldn't tell what. Meanwhile, just below the waves, Danny sank down in a semi-conscious state. "Whipped are we? Well, come on then." The voice felt like it was leading him to the surface and his alertness grew. "Hurry up now. If you change back like this, I could very well lose my connection."

Danny's eyes snapped open to see the form of a bony hawk floating in the water next to him with its ethereal glow helping to distinguish it clearly. "Scott?" Danny asked as he felt his head.

"Of course, you twit, who else?" Danny shook his head and now finally realized he was under water. He silently thanked the fact he could go long periods without air and flew up towards the surface. "So what's the plan?" Scott asked as he flew behind him.


"Of course. You don't think you stand a chance alone do you?" Danny knew his words were true, Aragon was way too strong for a one on one fight as a dragon, but it did hurt his pride to hear it from an enemy.

"Yeah….. wait, what's the biggest thing you can turn into?"

Bones raised a hairless eyebrow. "Well….. I'm not sure."

"Could you try something as big as a dragon?"

Bones mulled it over a bit but nodded. "I can certainly try. It might take some time though, I've never gotten so big before."

a lending hand -phantomxtitans حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن