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The morning was miserable for the halfa. No matter what he did he just couldn't keep himself asleep even though the previous night was exhausting and he still wanted to sleep. It was barely 9 am before he finally gave up and sat up in his bed. The shift did make him a bit dizzy which he thought was just because he was tired until he felt his nose running. As he became more fully awake he realized he couldn't breathe through his nose at all, and it felt unbearably hot as well. "Damn... what's with the heat?" He groaned out realizing he had sweat building on his brow. "No wonder I couldn't sleep... ugh..." He pulled out some tissues which enabled him to breath better through his nose but who knew how long that would last. As he was changing out of his stifling PJs he finally noticed how quiet it was. "Scott?" He called curiously before covering a sneeze. He looked around but didn't see him. "I guess he woke up and got bored...?" Danny just gave it a shrug and transformed once he was fully dressed.

The relief was instant. While his nose still felt like it was stuffing up, and he could feel another sneeze coming on, he also felt cool. "Wow... I love having an Ice Core." He perked up a bit now that he only had to deal with his runny nose. As he walked through the hallway with a few more tissues in hand he thought over where this.. cold? Yeah, it had to be a cold even if it was rare for him to get sick. So where'd it come from?

The previous night, the Titans had been tracking this crazy nut job called Killer Moth who'd recently escaped from prison. A week after that they found some creepy lair but no moth freak even after hours of going over the ridiculously hot and humid lab inside. Danny could almost feel the sweat he'd been caked in the previous night. By the time they finally called it quits he swore he could slip right out of his own suit without unzipping it.

He paused as he covered a sneeze. "Maybe I got too hot?" He blew his nose thinking about it. Yesterday the high was 52 so maybe it was the temperature difference. "Oh man... Raven might be sick too.." He finally realized at remembering how uncomfortable she seemed in the lair despite her incredible attempts to hide it. He made a point to pick up his pace straight to Raven's room only to find it empty on arrival. He knocked several times before letting it go though.

"Ugh!... Why is it so hot today?" Beast Boy groaned from a lazy position sprawled on the couch. He had the remote on a channel showing Arctic landscapes hoping it would cool him down.

"Knock it off Beast Boy. You're only making it worse." Robin complained back as he leaned over the counter.

"Perhaps this homemade dish of my home will make you feel better." Starfire offered with a smile as if the heat was barely there.

The food was red and reminded Robin of a wilted sea urchin made of dough. "Uh Star...?" She only gave him an encouraging smile before he took a bite. He chewed and found it surprisingly refreshing before suddenly feeling a fire ignite in his mouth. He dashed over to the sink in order to drown the flames as steam floated from his lips.

"Well that settles it." Cyborg resigned as he entered the room in disappointment. "The AC is still working, but the heat outside is just too high. Half the city is having this problem too." He looked out the window at the rising sun in the cloudless sky.

"I hate fall weather." Beast Boy groaned in agreement. "Can't the stupid sky make up its mind!? Hot or cold man!" He then flopped back with no energy left to complain for a few more minutes.

Cyborg slouched onto the couch with him before directing the blinds to shut on one window to cast a shady shadow. "Nope... didn't help." He mumbled feeling the taxing heat despite being part machine.

"I don't know how Raven does it..." BB wondered tiredly. He lifted his head lazily to see the sorceress in the corner of the room in full view of the sun meditating as if nothing was wrong. "It's so not fair..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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