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They looked at the figure and were all confused by his words. Raven was more shocked then anyone as she watched Danny's hands light up in defense. "What are you talking about Danny?"

Starfire spoke up next. "Yes, friend Danny. Why do you act as if you do not know us!?" Danny's face became confused as he lowered his hands.

Robin stepped forward. "What happened to you?" As he approached closer he noticed something incredibly off about their friend though Raven seemed to notice first.

She raised her hands to attack. "Who are you and why do you look like that!?" She sounded more angry than usual which was obvious to all though the reason not quite clear to most of them.

Danny then smirked and gave a laugh in a voice now obviously not of Danny Phantom. "Perceptive aren't you?" He laughed again. "You're right, I'm not him, but I did have you convinced even if it was short lived."

All but Robin and Raven listened in immense confusion. "Dude! What's going on here!?"

"You got me, man….." Cyborg crossed his arms as he thought it over.

Robin reached to his belt. "You better answer before this gets physical!"

The impostor raised his hands in a defensive manner. "Now hold on there. I'm not the fighting type. I merely borrowed his form to scare other ghosts away from the portal." His form then grew hazy as it twisted to form another figure. He wore a hat, trench coat and sunglasses. He had little other distinguishing features aside from his ghostly tail as he swung his cane around. "That better?"

Robin lifted his hand from his belt. "So where are we?"

The ghost turned his head. "You are in the human world of course. Phantom's portal has always led here…. Didn't you know?" He floated closer to them and lifted a hand to his not very prominent chin. "You're not ghosts… What were you doing in the ghost zone?"

"We we're looking for our friend called Danny who was seen coming here."

"Ah well Dani's upstairs actually." All of the Titans' eyes widened in surprise and Raven took off for the stairs to confirm his claim.

Robin scrutinized the ghost further before following the other Titans who were right behind Raven. "Exactly what are you doing here? You obviously don't live here."

He placed both hands on the ball of his cane as he responded. "Just repaying a favor; by the way, Dani's not the only one up there so your friends should be careful."

Upstairs Raven walked through the underused kitchen as she looked around. This place seemed familiar to her but she couldn't place where she had seen it before. The room transitioned to a more open space that she was able to easy discern as the living room. "Danny?"

"Have you located our friend yet?" Starfire flew to her side with Beast Boy and Cyborg just behind her.

"Not yet….." She took a good look around and found herself at the base of some stairs. She looked to the second story curiously but before she could move Beast Boy shouted. "I found someone!" She rushed over to him as he stood by a couch but when she looked at who he had found she was disappointed and confused.

The Titans looked upon a young girl as she slept on the long couch. She seemed a little worse for wear like she had been in a fight. She wore a light blue long sleeve shirt with a short sleeve blue hoodie. Her long red pants seemed worn which matched the rest of her cloths. "Uh BB….. That's not Danny."

"You think I don't know that! I said I found someone, that doesn't mean him." Beast Boy eyed Cyborg in agitation.

"Do you think she knows where our friend has gone?"

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