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(2427 words)

"Are there some aces up your sleeve?
Have you no idea that you're in deep?"

Chris Sturniolo

"C'mon, loosen up a bit." Alex shakes my shoulder, my eyes stuck on the glittery bottle of some random alcoholic drink. I can't even begin to process what just happened because I can't fully wrap my head around this entire thing.

Ivy showed me, yes, and I didn't believe her claim that we were in danger up until we almost got killed- again. I just don't like being clueless in this world of hers, I want to know everything. How to do whatever she does because the only thing I've learned tonight was how pathetic I am compared to them. I wanna know everything.

"Fuck off, He's had a tough night." Ivy nudges Alex's hands off of me, I could feel the drops of water coating onto my fingers from the cold drink in my hands. It was Pepsi, lime, and white rum— I heard Ivy directing the bartender while making it.

I haven't taken a sip from it but from what I have just been through, I'm debating on giving alcohol a shot. The only reason I had this drink in my hand is because Alex hadn't gotten the memo that I don't drink, so he got me a pity drink.

I could smell the expensive perfume Ivy had spritz onto herself before getting here, she was to my right and enjoying her little tray filled with her addiction.

"So did I, you don't see me moping."

"I'm not moping," I shrug, breaking the three minute long eye contact I had with that bottle and I glance over to Alex drinking his beer.

"Sure seems like it," Alex chuckles, how is he so happy? He almost died tonight and he seems to be having an amazing time.

"You haven't touched your drink," He comments.

I look down at the fizzy mess, not really having any reason to hold back at the moment. I bring the rim of the cup to my lips, feeling the cold glass press against my bottom lip.

My lips part, taking in a sip of the liquid. Once I swallowed it, I felt this stinging taste on my tongue, making me furrow my brows and drop my head to coverup my reaction. My hair falling down like a curtain, protecting me from humiliation.

Once the taste faded away, I lift my head back up and towards Ivy. She had a lit cigarette between her teeth, her dim phone screen barely lighting up the soft features on her face. Her hair was still slicked back with no flyaways and her dress was still perfectly hugging her body. She looked so perfect tonight.

I flick my eyes to her lips, seeing the white sheet of the cigarette stained with her red lipstick. I could see a cloud of smoke hidden in her mouth, her fingers keeping a hold of the cigarette.

I wonder what smoking is like.

"Hey," I snap my fingers, getting her attention and she hums, asking for me to speak. "Let me have one," I point to the cancerous stick. She pinches her brows, looking down between her fingers then back at me.

She laughs, "No fucking way,"

"C'mon, I wanna try it." I turn my body towards her, the sides of our knees hitting each other from the change in position.

She shakes her head, "Don't push it,"

"It's just a cigarette and you have a whole pack, give me one." I bring my drink off of the counter and gently lay it on her smooth skin, her body shivers and she hisses from the cold but she quickly adjusts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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