Part 25

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Chapter 25:

Sitting with Pey and Yang was nice, but you wish that Chifuyu was home. He had mentioned something about being out with Takemichi today. As much as you liked the boy, you didn't think much of his ability to keep Chifuyu's back covered. Then again... Mikey seemed to have faith in him, and even Takashi and Draken were quite open with their affection for the boy... Maybe you were being too harsh on your assessment of him.

"What do you think, Yang?" You hummed, bopping the cat on the nose.

He looked annoyed before pushing himself up and leaving the room.

"Don't start acting like your dad!" You huffed, referring to the fact that Chifuyu had left earlier this morning.

Pey blinked at you slowly, ignoring your outburst in favor of going back to sleep. You huffed and rolled over on the couch. Today was bound to be a long day if Takemichi hogged your boyfriend all day.


When Chifuyu follows both Angry and Smiley to the door, Takemichi beside him, he isn't at all surprised to see that their enemy's hideout is filled to the brim with soldiers. Even as the four of them face being severely out numbered, Chifuyu has a smile on his face. Angry and Smiley mention something about this being a trap, but he can't have asked for better. With them all assembled in one place, they won't have to run around looking for them. Plus, he really has a chip on his shoulder from the beating he'd taken at the train station.

There's nothing like watching a Toman division captain go head to head with a boy nearly twice his size. Smiley takes on the boy who introduced himself as Kakucho, a fierce battle unfolding before them.

"Uppercut!" Chifuyu yells enthusiastically as he too performs the punch as if to show Smiley what he means.

Angry has his eyes covered as his brother fights before them. Takemichi looks like he wants to faint or run, but Chifuyu has come to accept that that's what Takemichi's face usually looks like. Some people have a resting bitch face in the sense that they look angry. Takemichi has a resting bitch face in the sense that he's a wuss until pushed to the brink... and honestly, Chifuyu wouldn't rather anyone else as his division captain.

Smiley kicked Kakucho's ass. Chifuyu wouldn't have expected anything different from the fourth division captain. Course, things started getting weird when Takemichi started talking to the guy like they were best friends. Chifuyu raised his brow as Takemichi reached out and joked with the taller boy freely. The other reciprocated his smiles, and to be honest, Chifuyu found himself confused as Kakucho started speaking about heroes. Who was this Izana that he just mentioned. What grudge did this Izana dude have to be picking a fight with Toman? Of course, it didn't take long to hear Kisaki's name.

"Kisaki's always involved." Chifuyu huffs a while later while he and Takemichi are walking back towards his place.

Both the twins had taken off on their own, probably to meet up with Mikey and get the rest of the guys together later. For now, Chifuyu was more worried with how quiet his captain was being.

"Who is Izana?" Takemichi asks, turning his attention towards Chifuyu.

The question is stumping, and unfortunately, all the first division vice-captain can offer is a quick shrug to showcase that he doesn't know either. Takemichi sighs before looking up at the clouds above them.

My Other HalfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora