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"Who is this, boys?!" You heard a voice come from behind you, and you almost screamed about how it made your life so much crazier just SEEING him.

You turned to see... a talking rat.

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"Hey Splints!" April introduced, smiling. "This is my friend, Y/n." She chuckled nervously, putting an arm around your shoulder.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. Of fucking course." You mumbled, looking to the ceiling with fake tears in your eyes. "A talking rat, of course."

"Ah, I see." He examined the boys behind you and April and they were standing formally, smiling at their father nervously. "Anyway... keep the noise down, I'm trying to watch my show." He said, glaring at everyone in the room.

"Yes Master!" They all replied as Splinter walked away.

"Talking rat. Of course. Fuck." You groaned.

"You'll get used to it." April smiled at you, patting your back.

"Also, Y/n..." Donnie started. You turned to him to see a hesitant expression. "You know how you got injected with the mutagen...?" He asked.

"Oh- yeah- OH SHIT. AM I A FISH?!?" You whisper yelled as the others chuckled at you a bit.

"No, you aren't a fish, the mutagen didn't change you on the outside..." Donnie started, still a bit confused on what conclusion to come up with. 

April rolled up your sleeve, revealing bright green veins all over your arm. You panicked, checking your legs. There was green veins there too. 

"Whatthefuckishappening??!" You yelled, turning to Donnie and shaking him.

"Woah- calm down!-" He grabbed your shoulders, steadying you to comfortingly calm you down. 

In any other situation, this would make the blood in your body rush to your head, but this was not the time to be down bad for a good-looking turtle, unfortunately. 

"When you were injected with the mutagen, it didn't necessarily change anything physical about you apart from the veins and..." He paused. "It sort of, awakened something in you. Something that was already there."

You blinked. "But that doesn't make any sense... I'm not a mutant? I've been to the doctor and had my blood tested for medical reasons, it's perfectly normal!" 

Donnie nodded. "It was perfectly normal. You've had mutant DNA in you since you were a kid, I think. I ran tests on you, and the mutagen's properties just made known what you already had in you."

You gulped, your head started to hurt from all this information. Have you always been a mutant? Why? How? When? These questions were flooding your mind all at once, but one question was wanting to be asked.

"What did the mutagen do to me...?" You asked warily. 

The others looked at Donnie, curious, Donnie sighing. "I've only just figured it out. A part from the green veins due to the injection of mutagen, and how you are officially a mutant... you have the ability to increase the strength in your body due to your nerves been mutated."

"English please, Donnie, we need to know too." Leo deadpanned, looking at Donnie and earning a glare from the purple bandanna-wearing turtle.

"You are stronger than you were before, Y/n. 

To explain the amount? I'm not sure. 

I couldn't run tests on you while you were out, but I could guess its beyond the normal human amount, even to an extremely strong person.

You can also increase the speed it takes for you to heal a wound, but I'm not sure how.

All the bruises and scratches you had?" He continued, pointing to you arm. 

"All gone. I didn't do that, and those were open wounds. They healed faster than they should've, and who knows how fast it could heal if you did it yourself." He finished, looking you in the eye as did the others.

You blinked in slight confusion, mixed with fear, mixed with anger, mixed with self-hate. You didn't want to be this... mutant human thing... it made you feel not normal, and feeling un-normal has always been something you feared. Not in the sense being mentally different from others, but physically different from others. It scared you, it scared you horribly.

You gave a shaky sigh as you avoided eye contact with the others. 

"Thank you for telling me..." You mumbled, though Donnie heard you and nodded sympathetically. 

"If you ever have any more questions, talk to me. I know we barely met, but we 5 are all here for you, Y/n." 

Though you still avoided eye contact, you were grateful. "I appreciate it Donnie."

April whispered to the others what you could only assume was telling them to give you two alone time.

You sat on the bed, sighing. 

"You okay?" April asked, putting a hand on your shoulder.

You playfully glared at her, though inside you were feeling distraught. 

Would you ever feel normal again? You aren't human anymore. You never were, apparently. 

Tears began to fill your eyes as you wondered if anyone else could sympathize or relate to your situation. It might not be the case, but boy, you sure wished it was. You thought about the turtles, but they were never really human.

Then the feeling you hated came. The feeling of loneliness, not feeling normal. Unreal. You honestly were confused about reality at this point, and it scared you.

April didn't say anything. She just hugged you. You began to cry into her shoulder a bit, hugging her back tight. 

"You're still the Y/n I know, you know that?" She pushed you back so you could face each other, her hands on your shoulders. 

"I'm not human though, apparently, I have never been! You have any idea of that feels?" You responded, venting.

"No, I don't. I still see you as Y/n. The girl I've known since childhood, who I have always been able to lean on. You were always there for me, Y/n. I will always be there for you. We will figure this out. You are normal. You will always be normal. You're a person, just like me. If you ever feel like you need to talk to someone, talk to me." She said, hugging you tight once again as your tears dried slowly.

"Thank you, Appy." You chuckled.

"I take everything I just said back." She joked, glaring playfully.

"NoooO!" You yelled, laughing.

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𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ~ 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now