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You quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower, and you saw in the mirror that your bruise on your neck did in fact, heal.

With everything that happened today, you could confirm one thing.

You were a mutant.

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After exiting the bathroom, asking Raph where your temporary room was, and heading to that room, you finally settled to bed. 

Yawning, you pulled the f/c covers over your face, trying to find the most comfortable position in the last minute put together bed. Though, you were just happy to have somewhere to sleep.

You slowly drifted off to sleep, but you had a nightmare, waking up. Thankfully, you forgot about what happened in the dream- but you didn't have the will to go back to sleep.

You dragged yourself up, walking to the archway entrance of your bedroom. You looked around to see a curled up figure watching tv. 

"Hello?" You greeted quietly.

The figure turned around, revealing Mikey. He seemed to be crying... red puffy eyes, his bandana was off, and he had comfy orange pajamas on.

You gasped. "Mikey, what's wrong?!" You immediately rushed to him in a hushed voice, worried about him. There was something about Mikey that just gave you the urge to protect him 24/7.

"Nothing.." He muttered in a voice opposite of his usual happy one.

"Okay." He looked you in the eyes. "You're a really bad liar." You responded.

You sighed, holding his hands. "Is this okay?" You asked, pushing your embarrassment down as he gulped, nodding.

"Listen. I know we just met, but I promise that I'll be here for you if you wanna talk. You helped me, my turn to help you, yeah?" You tried to convince him to let you cheer him up, and he sighed and began to speak.

"It's just... I feel dumb." You let him continue. "My brothers always seem so smart- it makes me feel lesser than them. I don't want to tell them, because they would probably go to the extra length to try and not hurt my feelings- and that never turns out good. I just want to feel equal to them- like I'm important."

"Oh, Mikey. You are important. April told me about you guys saved me- and honestly, it sounds to me like they couldn't have done it without you." You smiled. "You were the only one knowing how to get in and out of that place, right?" 
He nodded.
"Then they couldn't have done it without you Mikey. Besides, you guys are a team. You can't do it with just three, with just two, or not even one. You guys are brothers, and you need to tell them they are hurting your feelings if they actually are."

Mikey gave a small smile. "Thank you, Y/n. I really appreciate you for saying that. I'll talk to Raph." 

"Wanna hug?" You asked, smiling softly. 

He nodded, and you two gave each other a warm embrace. 

"Head to bed now, okay?" You let go. "You need rest." You got up, slowly treading towards your room as Mikey did the same. You looked back at him, giving him a smile and a wave before going to back to bed.

──── ✧《✩》✧ ────

"Damn, guess we got a sleeping beauty."

"No shit, Leo, it's 3 PM!"

"Maybe she stayed up late last night... heheh..."

You groaned, looking at your doorway.

𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 ~ 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐊𝐈Where stories live. Discover now