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The little girl with curly hair was of course Tsireya, Tonowari's daughter. She approached them and welcomed them with a bright smile and told them to follow her to show them their Marui, where they were going to stay. That place would be their new home, in the middle of mangroves and the salty smell of the ocean.

Neteyam was following her in silent, being some steps behind his dad and mom, suddenly he saw his younger brother Lo'ak almost drooling for the cute Metkayinan girl, staring at her directly with a pink blush on his cheeks, he made a mental note to tease his brother about this in the future.

Apparently, the only one that was having fun or was slightly excited was Tuk, who was jumping and laughing in that funny and strange path that the water clan had. It was pretty obvious that the Sully family had some trouble walking on those weird, slippery moving paths, it was not as steady as the trees they had back home, in which, they of course felt more comfortable.

Kiri made a complaint sound when she almost tripped when Tuk jumped near her, Neteyam glanced at her, seeing her tail moving frantically and her ears down with dislike. He knew she was having a hard time liking their new home,

They were not used to that much sun hitting them directly on their body, the incredible heat or feeling their skin sticky because of their constant sweat. They all knew it was going to be difficult to adapt to that place quickly, as they were used to being in cold, dark environments.

Of course, the view was beautiful, the place was beyond description. The white sand, the clear waters, the enormous black rocks, the mangrove swap were stunning, they had never seen anything like that before, but it was not their habitat.

Neteyam turned his head to look behind him, where the chief's oldest son, Ao'nung was walking lazily, he looked angry and unsympathetic with his arms crossed, obviously he didn't want to be there with them.

Neteyam was staring at that interesting boy, feeling intrigued by him. He saw the chief move his head to look at him, his cold and hateful blue eyes fixating on him, Neteyam couldn't resist but feel a little bit attacked by him when he noticed Ao'nung eyes looking at him with disgust, even so, Neteyam wanted to be a good boy and dedicated him a friendly small smile when they both exchanged glances.

"What are you looking at, freak? "Ao'nung said with a not too loud growl, that sentence was only intended for him to hear.

Neteyam's smile decreased when he heard that, feeling somewhat hurt. He was no freak, why would anyone say something like that to him? Ao'nung let a small chuckle leave his mouth when he saw Neteyam's face, clearly affected by what he said.

Neteyam was going to say something to him, but was interrupted when Tsireya coughed and everyone stopped walking. Neteyam turned around to see her, realizing she was pointing to an enormous Marui, right in front of them. It looked nice, big enough for their family.

"We have arrived, this Marui is for you and your family, Toruk Makto, please make yourselves feel at home." She smiled graciously to them and clapped her hands together two times. "We are going to leave now to give you some space to unpack, tomorrow we will start the training and it is going to be very fun". She laughed, looking directly at Lo'ak.

Ao'nung hissed to what his sister said, annoyed, he was not excited to help this foreigners half demon spawns to learn the way of the water. He wanted them to leave Awa'atlu immediately, he was sure they would bring nothing but trouble with the Sky people.

His sister walked past him quickly, grabbing his forearm, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"Come on, Ao'nung, let's go, we should give them some privacy". She said in a worried tone.

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