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Neteyam was completely silent. He felt a little uncomfortable after almost kissing Ao'nung. What was wrong with him? Why did he want to be friends with that metkayina when that boy had only been rude to him. He had called him a freak and he had made fun of his family as if they were a joke. So why couldn't Neteyam stop thinking about being friends with him?

As he walked behind Ao'nung to catch a couple of fish with the little time they had before dinner, he kept thinking that maybe it was normal for him to find the light-blue-skinned boy attractive, despite both of them starting off on the wrong foot , both had already apologized and had made peace between them. According to Neteyam, once they had forgiven each other, he should put the past behind him and forget that in the beginning, he didn't get along with Ao'nung.

Neteyam sighed. He had had a lot of fun with the chief's son these last few days and miraculously, he had been decent to him, even calling him cute nicknames, so if Ao'nung acted nice to him and they got along better, there was no reason to avoid being friend of his, even if he had called him a freak.

"Hey, Neteyam..." Ao'nung coughed awkwardly. "Ehm, you're very quiet, um, I-I'd like to know if you're okay?"

Neteyam looked at him with narrowed eyes, he had an internal conflict all of a sudden, why did he want to be friends with him? Was it because his father had asked him to make friends? Was it because they got along now despite their unpleasant start? Was it because perhaps he found that Metkayina handsome, beautiful, interesting and precious? Neteyam shook his head several times, trying to eliminate those thoughts, of course he wanted to be Ao'nung's friend because now he treated him well and absolutely, nothing more.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that I'm a little worried about what our parents will say if we're late for dinner because we played hide and seek." Neteyam scratched the back of his neck, avoiding looking at Ao'nung's lips with all his might.

"Hide and seek?" Ao'nung asked, twitching his ears slightly at the unfamiliar term. "What's that?"

Neteyam couldn't help but smile at the confusion of the taller tattooed boy. Of course, it was obvious that he didn't know that term, it was something that his father had taught them, something from the sky people. The Omatikaya tried to leave his discomfort behind and not think about the almost kiss, so he quickened his pace to walk even closer to Aonung.

"Well, we called that game we just played Hide and Seek. You know, I hide and you seek me out, it was fun, wasn't it?"

Ao'nung nodded with a small smile, implying that he already understood the new term. He was wondering when he could play it again with Neteyam, he still wanted the rematch and without a doubt, he wanted to capture him and who knows what else. He could still feel his hot body and the throbbing in his lower abdomen at the thought of capturing the dark blue skinned boy and having him at his mercy. How would it have felt to kiss him? What would have changed? Ao'nung still felt bad about how he treated him when they first met and he was sure that he had to make it up to Neteyam for his bad treatment. Besides, he had promised himself that he would get to know him better before they became friends and clearly, before kissing him, they had to get along a lot better and he wanted Neteyam to trust him openly before they could do anything. He was so confused.

He felt guilty for wanting to kiss him when the Omatikaya boy clearly just wanted to be his friend. Neteyam had mentioned it to him several times and he didn't want to ruin the little friendly relationship they had but he couldn't deny the sexual tension he felt for him when they started playing that game and he couldn't help but wonder if Neteyam would have felt that way too.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun, when can we play again? I can't wait to catch you, you naughty little boy." Ao'nung teased with a big smile showing his fangs.

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