Cleopatra 👸🏽

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Cleopatra Cleopatra what a name and rep,  your art of seduction intrigued alot 
seduced kings to chefs, servants to slaves, Mark Antony, Julius Ceaser has met your type, sparked imaginations around the world the prototype, of ambition up the latter you craved, many was slain, Cleopatra Cleopatra what a rep what a name, when I thought of Eygpt first name came to my brain, A Eygptian woman a Eygptian Queen,
I know it's much more than what's on the surface, but from your accounts in history I don't know if I really want to know you, or have I? In a past life? A forbidden love crime why did you die? Please forgive me  Pardon my questions of why? Was you just ambitious or a savage, just asking? Just a question don't mind to answer, no need for us going backwards, moving forward your taste for war was a luxurious, inspired many to go for theirs and get the purse first, who gets the last laugh when you counted your math?🤔 Eygtian woman Eygtian Queen I respect your past.

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