Tragedy occurs

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Alex and Jake rushed back to mitis town and what Alex could see what a bunch of people crowded round his house. "What a minute! Why is there a bunch of people crowded around my house!?!?!? Alex demanded "what the hell is going on?!?!?!?" But Jake didn't answer he just kept dragging Alex. "Whats going ON!!!?!?!?!?!?!?" He demanded again but still no answer. Alex had a very bad feeling about this. Later the boys made it to Alex's house and the crowd parted so Alex and Jake could come through. "what's going on?!?!? Please somone tell me." Alex begged almost staring to cry. But in response to the question Alex got pity looks from the crowd. 'Why won't anyone tell me what's going on????' Alex thought 'it can't be that bad right???? Right????' "SOMONE JUST PLEASE TELL ME WHATS GOING ON!" Alex cried with tears in his eyes also making some of the crowd gasp. Suddenly Jake pulled Alex in to a hug. "Froakie..." "fletchling..." "eevee..." the pokemon said in a very gentle tone. "Jake, dude, my friend you can tell me what happening right???? right???" Alex shouts in a very worried tone, his chest breathing very fast. Jake didn't say anything again and carried Alex through the crowd. "why-why won't a-any one t-t-tell m-me..." Alex mumbles while his face is on Jake's shoulder. Jake sighed in pity and continued carrying Alex and his pokemon (froakie and fletchling) through the crowd. Soon Alex, Jake, froakie, fletchling and eevee mad there way through the crowd. Jake gently place Alex and his two pokemon (that are on his shoulders) on to the ground. Alex gets up from the ground. "Alex..." crypress began softly "I'm so glad to see that you are safe." Safe?!?!? What do you mean safe?!?!?!? Alex demanded in a very worried tone "are you the one who is going to tell me what happend????" "I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this but..." "tell me WHAT?!?!?" Alex interrupts. " but.. your parents have been abducted in the short time you have been gone-" "NO!!!!!!! YOU-YOU-YOU K-K-KIDING RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!? RIGHT?!?!?!?" Alex said crying and almost falling on his back if Jake hadn't caught him "Alex." Crypress said in a softer tone then earlier. "I wish this was a joke but this is very serious and is unfortunately real." Froakie gasped and fletchling was wiping the tears of her trainer with her beak. "WHO AND WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS TO ME!?!?" Alex cried "JUST WHY?!?!?" "Alex-"  "You know what... I'm leaving!!" Alex declared while crying his eyes out. Alex then ran off pushing past some people in the crowd. "ALEX WAIT!!!!! ITS NOT SAFE!!!! COME BACK!!!!" Jake called trying to get his best friend to come back but failed and had finally spoken. Alex's froakie and fletchling ran after him very concerned and worried about their trainers safety. Jake also ran after Alex as so did his pokemon but unknown to the pokemon and Jake, a trainer from the crowd already went after Alex before Jake and Alex's pokemon did. There they an helping the kidnapper also trying to kidnap Alex? Are they here to help? Are they trying to prevent Alex from rescuing his parents? Are they a friend or foe?

Unknown route 1

Alex ran with tears in his eyes, he kept running and running until he tripped over a conveniently place tree root that's in the ground. Phud. "Owwww... my face... I w-want my p-p-parents back... w-w-who would do this to-to m-me..." Alex cried. Alex atempted to get up but "damn it I'm stuck." He grumbles. 'W-w-what if the kidnapper finds me out here?!?!? Will they use me as a bribe for my parents?!?!? Will I get tortured if I get caught?!?!?' Alex thought dreadfully. Alex tried to look around to see if anyone is here but fortunately there wasnt. "SO?!?!? IS THIS MY FAIT?!?!? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!?!?' Alex screamed. Soon after trying to call for help, alex put his head in his knees and began to cry.

With the unknown trainer...

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