Auntie Brooke's home

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Brooke's car.

Alex and his pokemon sat in silent. They were In complete shock. How can they hear each other? How can they hear each others thoughts? Was that even a dream? They all had so many questions. Brooke tried to start a conversation with Alex but stopped because he wasnt answering. "Do you guys have any idea how we can Alex can understand us and how we can all hear each others thoughts?" Ninja asked, breaking the silence. The group turned to ninja. 'I'm not sure.... I think it was that dream...' Alex answerednin his mind. Somhow it felt completely normal to speak in his mind. "I dont think it was a dream...." rocket said. "Perhaps a pokemon was talking to us and now we are stuck like this." Emerald said. "That does make sense." Ninja said. "For once you said somthing smart...." rocket grumbled. Alex them Remembered the weird message he had gotten. 'Did any of you get a weird message or was it just me?' Alex asked in his mind. His pokemonnstare at him in confusion. "Weird message?" Emerald asked in confusion. Alex nodded. "I didnt get a message." Ninja answered. "Me neither." Rocket answered. 'How come I was the only one who got it?' Alex woundered in his mind. The pokemom shrugg. "What was the weird message?" Ninja asked. Alex paused and began to think. Somhow he perfectly remembered it. He didn't know why or how it was talking to him. 'It was like-it was like "hey you! Yeah you! You gotta help me! Protect me from it! Dont let me near it! Take this gift! It will help you along the way young one! I will be of help in thr future" or somthing like that.' Alex answered in his mind. "That's weird...." rocket said. "I know right!" Rocket agreed. "Maybe your brain is the main one that's connected!" Emerald said. 'That could be possible.' Alex said in his mind. "I agree but why would this pokemon give YOU out of all people this mind link?" Ninja woundered. "The pokemon probably wants Alex to protect it from something." Rocket stated. "But why Alex out of all people?" Rocket questioned. The group shrugged. 'I was probably selected at random.' Alex said in his mind. The pokemon stare at him. They then turned away and are now sitting in silence. "Guys do we all have a mind link with every single pokemon that exists." Emerald woundered. "What do you thing?" Rocket responded sarcastically. "Rocket be nice!" Ninja snapped. Rocket ignored him and they began to sit in silence. "Your pokemon have been talking alot." Brooke stated. The group then look at brooke. "Yeah...." Alex responded "I guess there having their own conversations...." "pokemon language has always fascinated me. You never know what they see saying." Brooke said "they could be talking bad about you right infront of you!" "I guess..." he grumbled. "Anyway, would you like to call Billy on my phone?" Brooke asked. "He could cheer you up!" "Sure." Alex responded. Brooke then handed Alex her phone. 

Alex's pokemon then climed on Alex's lap as Alex went on WhatsApp and called Billy. He didnt answer. Alex called again but his didnt answer. Alex groaned in annoyance. He called again bu Billy didnt answer. He then called 7 more times. "UHHGHHHGGGG!!!! PICK UP THE DANM PHONE!!!!" He yelled as he called for the 7th time. Billy then answered. He has ginger curly hair, blue eyes, brown jacket, grey shirt,  light blue trousers he is fat, and he is wearing rockruff slippers. "Sorry mu-OH MY GOD HI ALEX!!!!! HI!!!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU GONANMLIVE WITH US FOR A WHILE!!!! I KEPT IT A SECRET LIKE MUMMY TOLD ME TO!!!!!!!! WERE GONNA PROTECT YOU AND YOU AMAZING POKEMON FROM TEAM ECLIPSE!!! WERE GONAN AHVE SO MUCH FUN TOGETHER!!!, WE GONNA PLAY VIDEO GAME, EAT JUNK FOOD, STAY UP EXTREMELY LATE!!!, PLAY THE GUITARS!!!! PLAY SOME SUPER DOOPER AWSOME BORED GAMES, WRESSLE, BUILD FORTS!!!, PLAY WITH THE LEGO-" "Billy calm down! Let you cousin speak!" Brooke said. "Sorry mum!" Billy apologised. Alex and his pokemon stare at Billy dumbfounded. They were trying to process what he said. "Alex I'm very sorry that I didnt answer the phone. I was playing video games with Tommy and archie and I had it at maxed volume." Billy apologised. Alex sand his pokemon stare at him In confusion. "Dumb#ss..." rocket grumbled. Ninja and emerald faceplamed. "Uhhhh.... its-uhhhhhh.... it's fine I guess..." Alex responded awkwardly. "OKAY!!!" Billy screamed. "SHUT UP BILL!!!" Alex snapped. "Sorry..." Billy apologised in a whisper tone. "Oh my God..." alex grumbled as he faceplamed. "So what do you wana do when you get to my house?" Billy asked in a normal tone. Alex and his pokemon whrugg. "Oh I know!!!! How about we have a food fight!" Billy suggested excitedly. "Billy were NOT making a mess for auntie brooke to clean." Alex said firmly. "But It will be fun!!!!" Billy protested. "Billy no." Alex firmly said. "Listen to your cousin Billy or your I'm taking away your computor!" Hrooke said. "Fine...." Billy groaned. "Do you wana read comic books with me?" Billy asked. Alex and his pokemon shrugg. "You not sure?" Billy asked. "This kid is insufferable...." rocket groaned. Emerald and ninja gave her a look. "Okay we can read comic books." Alex said. "SERIOUSLY!?!?" rocket screamed. Alex, ninja and emerald glare at her. "You DONT have to read them you can just play or do whatever!" Alex snapped. "Billy stared in confusion. "Who are you talking to?" He asks. Alex pointed at rocket. "Oh." Billy responded. "Billy, why dont you show Alex your comic books tomorrow. Alex could use some rest." Brooke said. "But muuuuuum!" Billy protested. "You can show them, to him tomorrow." Brooke said. "Fine..." Billy groaned. "I have to go now." Billy said. "Bye bill." Alex said. "Bye." Billy then left the call. "How long until were there?" Alex asked. "10 minutes." Brooke responded "try to get some extra rest." Alex and his pokemon then looked out the tinted window. They didnt sleep. They looked out the window and watched the region.

They saw somone yeet an annoying child into traffic, 4 little boys building a fort that's made out of cardboard, an old lady feeding her arcanine, 2 trainers battling, a Karen screaming at a teenage girl because she wouldnt give her little brat her phone, a teachers scolding 3 school boys, 3 girl picking on a boy, the fat pikachu (who broke into doris's house) holding some bacon and being chased by a chef and much more stuff. Eventually they made it to brokke house. Her house has floweres leading to it, light green and a white roof. Alex exited the caymans brooke dragged him in the house.

Brooke's house.

Brooke house was amazing and very tidy. The living room has a brown sofa, a TV, a rug, draws of toys, shelves of comic books and normal books, and a beanbag. The kitchjng had normal kitching stuff and a brown table, Billy's room has orange walls, a yellow bed, it's very messy with lots of toys on the floor, an orange beanbag, a desk with comics books and a glaceon snowclob, draws with cloths and his blue pyjamas on his bed. The garden is extremely pretty, has lots of planted flowers, a lake, a swing and a slide, Brooke's room has a yellow huge bed, a desk and a wardrobe, the bathroom has bathroom stuff. The basement has a comfortable looking air bed with lots of blankets and a pillow, lots of pokemon plushies ranging from different sizes, a bucket, a torch, lightwitchs, a huge pokemon bed and boxes of stuff in the corner. "Billy! Were back!" Brooke announced. Suddenly loud footstomps can be heard. they were getting closser and closser. It was Billy, he looked extremely exited. He then ran down the stairs.

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Billy then tripped on the stairs and was about to fall but emerald used psychic to catch him. She then landed him down stairs. Billy could barely contain his excitement. He was so exited that he coudnt speak. "Billy go upstairs and calm down." Brooke said "you can tall to him when you calm." Billy face turned to a dissapointed one. He then went back upstairs. Rocket was released that she didnt have to deal with him. Ninja, emerald and Alex felt a bit bad for him. "Were am I staying?" Alex asked. "Follow me!" Brooke responded. "You could just tell me ya know!" Alex responded with slight annoyance. Brooke and ninja gave him a look. Alex grumbled something and followed brooke. She led him to the basement. 


Alex was ammazed. "You will be staying here for now. I'll come get you when dinners ready." Brooke said. Brooke then left. Alex wasnt looking forward to dinner. He then sat on the bed and looked around the room. "What should we do?" Emerald asked. "We should rest." Ninja answered. The group layed the on the bed.

Hey guys! I'm back from the dead! Being dead is mid. Thank you for 743 reads and 51 votes! I hope you enjoyed and peace!😎

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