Jake (finally) found alex

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Cheasma town.

Jake was running around very panicked. Earlyer this morning he was kicked out of the pokecenter for staying in the room for to long. Jake needed to find Alex as fast as possible. Jake ran down the streets of cheasma town screaming Alex's name at the top of his ling and getting concerned looks for people that pass by him. "Okay." Jake said to himself as he ran down the streets of chesma town looking for his friend. "If I were Alex were would I be?" Jake muttered to himself. "EEVEE!" Jake's eevee scream. "Not now eevee. We have to find Alex." Jake said to his eevee. "EEVEE EEV E E EEVEE!!!" eevee screamed again but louder. "OH MY GOD!! WHAT?? WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!? I NEED TO FIND MY GODDAMNM FRIEND!!!" A panicked Jake shouted. Eevee then points (with his tail) to the cheasma town hospital. "What does the hospital have anything to do with finding Alex?" Jake asks. Eevee was getting annoyed at his trainer and decided to bonk him on the head with his tail. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!?" Jake cried. "EEVEE!!!" eevee screams, starting to get irritated and pointing what seems to be Alex on a ambulance stretcher going into the hospital along with Linda. The doctors and nurses took Linda and Alex into different rooms. "ALEX!!!!" Jake screamed as he ran inside the hospital and followed the doctors and nurses that are pushing Alex on the hospital stretcher inside the hospital.

Cheasma town. Hospital

"ALEX!!!" Jake screamed again. "EEVEE EVV EVV EEVEE!!!!" eevee screamed. As Jake ran up to Alex. The nurses and doctors immediately blocked Jake from following Alex. "Sir, you need to leave." A docter said. "This patient needs immediate surgery." A nurse added. "but-but hes my b-best friend. I need to see him!" Jake protested. "Sorry but you'll have to wait." The docter said. Jake and eevee looked defeated. "Can I atleast look after his pokemon then?" Jake asked. Jake hoped the docter or nurse would say yes. "Sorry kid." The docter said "we cannot allow that. It's against our policy to give strangers other peoples pokemon." Jake seemed very offended by that comment. "STRANGER!!!!! STRANGER!!! IM NOT A STRANGER!!!" Jake shouts. "Sir please-" "NO! YOU THINK IM A STRANGER!!!!" Jake shouts. Jake seems to be getting more and more angry. Eevee was desperately trying to calm his trainer down. The nurse and docter were also trying to calm down Jake. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG IVE BEEN LOKKING FOR MY BEST FRIEND!!! IVE LOOKED EVERY WERE FOR NEARLY AN ENTIRE DAY!! IVE BEEN SO WORRIED AND AS SOON AS I FIND HIM, HES IN THE F#CKING HOSPITAL!!!!" Jake rants. "Sir I understand but-" "NOW IF YOU EXCUSE ME, I HAVE A BEST FRIEND TO FIND!!!" Jake declares. Before the docter could do anything, jake kicks him in the shin and sprints to catch up with Alex. The nurse immediately calls for security and the docter falls to the ground in pain. Jake sprints very fast and seems to be catching up With alex. Baby this point Jake is super panicked. He is trying his best to catch up with the ambulance stretcher and make sure is best friend is okay. "ALEX!!!!"Jake screams more louder but this time with more panicked in his voice. "EEVEE!!! EEVEE!!! EE EE EE EVV E EVV EEVEE!!!!!" eevee screams more louder but also with more panick in his tone. Alex hears Jake and eevee screaming and immediately opens his eyes and yells "JAKE!!!!!" "ALEX!!!!" Jake screams back alot more louder than before and with tears of joy. Suddenly a bunch of security guards, doctors and nurses all around Jake and grab him and his eevee. Jake and eevee and screaming at the top of their lungs. "NO!!! NO!!!" alex screams as he sees his best friend get grabbed by security guards, doctors and nurses. The doctors and nurses desperately try to calm down Alex but he starts frashing about. The doctors and nurses had to stop moving the ambulance stretcher and had to pin Alex's arms and legs down to stop him crashing about. Alex starts screaming for Jake. One of the doctors then gives alex anesthetics and he falls asleap. Jake saw what happened to Alex and was horrified. Jake then starts frashing about more and more aggressively and screaming for Alex. Eevee seemed to be doing the same thing. Eventually a docter decided to injected Jake and eevee with anesthetics. "NO NO PLEASE!!!! DONT GIVE ME ANESTHETIC!!! ILL STOP I-I PROMISE!!!" The docter walked forward and said "the more you resist the more it will hurt." He said. The docter then injects Jake with anesthetic and he collapsed to the ground and falls asleap. Everyone let's go of him and a nurse catches him. Eevee was absolutely horrified and furious. He started attaching the nures, security guards and doctors that were grabbing him. Eevee was also injected with anesthetic. "Oh so they do know each other..." a docter muttered "poor kids..." "what should we do sir?" A nurse asks. "We put put them in the same room." The same docter who muttered answered. "And what about the other boys pokemon?" A docter asked. "Well put then next to him on the hospital." The docter answered "somone stand guard and make sure no one steals the pokemon. Also, that boy with the long hair is the one who's parents were kidnapped by tea, eclipse. I saw it on the news this yesterday morning and I dont want team eclipse attacking this hospital." "I'll do that!" 6 security guards said at the same time. "I also saw him on the news! A nurse said. "So did I!" A docter said. "Same here!" Said another nurse. "Everyone enough!" The docter said "do as your asked!" Conveniently, a hospital bed arrived. A couple nurses and doctors grabbed Jake and eevee and placed them on the hospital bed. The nurses and docter then took Jake and eevee to the other room and was followed by the 6 security guards.

I know this ones short but I hoped you enjoyed! Peace!😎

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