Stop that thief! Part 3

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Gale forest.

Alex vs linda

"MIGHTYANA!!!!" Linda shouts. Suddenly a mightyana leaps from a very conveniently placed Bush, on to the battle field. "Oh, so you were hiding a pokemon to ambush me. Eh?" Alex questions "are you scared of me?" "SHUT UP BRAT!!!!" Linda yells. "Whatever..." a grumbles as he rolls his eyes. "Fletchling, we need your help!" Alex explains. Suddenly Alex fletchling flys off his shoulder all the way on to the battle field. "Really?????? Your using a little bird?" Linda taunts. "Shut up Karen!!!!!" Alex insults. "MY NAMES NOT KAREN ITS LINDA!!!!" Linda screams.  "well if you didnt act like a Karen, I wouldnt call you one!" Alex counters and then laughs at the same time as his pokemon. Linda just stood there enraged by Alex's insult and him as well as his pokemon laughing at her. (I mean, who wouldn't be mad at something or somone laughing at you?) "WHATEVER!!!" Linda shouts "IRON TAIL!!!!" "FLETCHLING, FLY UP IN THE AIR SO THE IRON TALE DOESN'T REACH YOU!!!" A panicked Alex shouts. Suddenly, Linda's mightyana take turned into iron and then mightyana ran at fletchling but fletchling was fortunately quick enough to fly up in to the sky, making her dodge the iron tale. "Ugh.. you pest..." Linda grumbles. "Hah! Are you ready to admit I'm a good battler?" Alex questioned. "NO!!!! YOU ARE THE WORST BATTLER IVE EVER SEEN!!! ITS ALSO PEFECTIC THAT YOU ARE ADOPTED!!!!!" Linda yells as she is also insulting Alex.  Alex gasped, how did she know Alex was adopted? Was Linda going to use that against him? Was Linda going to use that as an excuse to force him not to try and rescue his adoptive parents? Who knows. "H-how do you KNOW that?????" Alex demanded. Linda then laughs. "Oh Alex..." she began "everyone knows that, the whole region knows." "Well how come I dont Remember my adoption then?" Alex questions. "Based from what I heard, you were found wondering the streets of cheasma town 7 years ago. People say you were abandoned by your biological parents but since you dont remember the situation, no one knows what happend..." Linda explains. Alex just stood there in shock, its fine to be adopted but EVERYONE KNOWING you are adopted, now that's just embarrassing for that many people to even know that you are adopted is.. I don't really know what to say without offending anyone. So let's just pretend this never happend and just get back to reading the story. "Oh are you shocked?" Linda questions. Automatically, Alex nodded. "HA!" Linda laughs. UGH!!!! ITS NOT FUNNY!!!!!" Alex shouts. "Oh yes it is! The funniest part in my opinion is that you dont Remember anything, not even a little but I dont really blame you. You were so young... so weak... so..... VULNERABLE!!!" Linda explains and right after laughs. "I'm hounestly suprised that the mitis town archaeologists even chose to adopt you. If that was me, I would of sent you right back!" Linda insults. "Linda..." Alex angrily began "I might be adopted but aleast I was wanted, unlike you you family never loved or cared for you!" Alex then laughs. "YOU DARE SAY THAT TO ME!!! YOU DUMB BRAT!!!" Linda angrily screams as walks up to Alex and she she again punches Alex in the face (giving him another black eye) and the froakie kicking her in the nuts (again 😂) making her fly a couple metres in the air and crashing on to the ground. (😂.) "UGH... I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!! I HATE POKEMON TRAINERS!!!!!!" Linda cried as she get up from the ground in pain. "what's your problem with the other pokemon trainers who haven't done you any harm?" Alex questioned. "SHUT UP!!!!" Linda shouts. "Danmmm... I guess all team eclipse members are as stupid as Linda and hate pokemon trainers..." Alex grumbles. "I HEARD THAT!!!!" Linda snapped while also yelling. "Does it look like I CARE?!?!? HUH???? TELL ME YOU GREAT BIG SON OF A BI-" "MIGHTYANA, PLAY ROUGH!!!!" Linda shouted, interrupting Alex from swearing because this book is DEFINITELY suited for people that are under the age of 13 and I'm DEFINITELY not being sarcastic. "FLY UP IN THE AIR AGAIN!!!!" Alex shouts. Suddenly mightyana charges at fletchling but fletchling again flys up in to the sky and this time mightyana crashed in to the very conveniently place tree, getting his face stuck in the tree and a laughing fletchling, froakie and Alex. Linda screams in rage and froakie, fletchling and Alex laugh louder, making Karen-i mean Linda (dont ask how I forgot her name) even more angry. "NO NO NO NO NO!!!! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!" Linda furiously growls "HOW AM I LOOSING TO FIVE CHILDREN?!?!?" "Five?" A clearly confused Alex says "I thought only two pokemon trainers battled you." "Actually its five children and two adults." Linda corrects "BUT THAT DOESNT MATTER!!!!! MIGHTYANA, FREE YOUR SELF FROM THE TREE USING IRON TALE!!!!" "wait wha-" but before Alex could finish his sentence, mightyana attempted to use iron tale to free himself but he.. well sorta couldnt reach and was stuck there.... (now that's embarrassing...) Alex and his two pokemon bursted into laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! WERE YOU TRYING TO DO SOMTHING THERE?!?!. BECAUSE WHATEVER YOU WERE TRYING TO DO FAILED!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I SHOULD OF RECORDED THAT AND POSTED IT ON THE INTERNET!!!!!!" Alex laughs. "WELL I LAUGHED WHEN YOU PARENTS WERE ABDUCTED!!!!" Linda shouts in a very nasty tone. Alex and his pokemon all stopped laughing and angrily glared at Linda. Those three didnt find it very funny. I mean who would find it funny if somones parents were kidnapped? "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!?" Alex angrily demands. Linda bursts in to laughter and Alex starts screaming insults  at Linda. The more Alex screamed insults at Linda, the louder Linda laughed. Alex was getting extremely angry at this point and "FLETCHLING, SPIN AROUND WHILE FLYING AND PECK AT MIGHTYANA!!!!" Alex orrders. Suddenly fletchling starts flying towards Linda's mightyana (who's face was stuck in a tree) while spinning around and pecked him, causing him to Yelp in pain and a he lost a quarter of his health. "HUH?!?!? Linda gasps "HOW IS THAT MUCH DAMAGE PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE?!?!?" "It was the speed of my fletchling you idiot!" Alex explains. "HOW WAS I SUPOST TO EVEN KNOW THAT?!?!" Linda shouted. "the reason you dont even know that is because.... YOU ARE JUST PLAIN STUPID!!!! YOU THINK YOUR THE BEST BUT IN REALITY YOUR THE WORST!!!!" Alex insults. "UGH MIGHTYAYA RETURN!!!" Linda shouted. Suddenly Linda picks up mightyana pokeball (out from her pocket) and returns him, then she picks up a differnt pokemon from her pocket, throws it on to the battle field and out comes a pangoro. "Wha-" "THUNDER PUNCH!!!!" Linda orrders, interupting alex Suddenly the pangoro thist turns in to thunder and then punches fletchling, making her squeak in panick and (lucky) landing her on ONE HP. "FLETCHLING!!!!" Alex shouts. Ha! Not so "fly up in the air" type of guy now are we?" Linda taunts. "Fletchling! You okay?" Alex concerningly asks. Fletchling didnt answer, her vision was very blurry and she was finding it very hard to fly/stand. "I'll take that as a no then..." Alex grumbles, before returning fletchling to her pokeball. Linda then burst out in to laughter. "HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!" Linda laughs "YOUR PUNY BIRD FAINTED!!!! ONLY A FROAKIE LEFT UNTIL A BEAT YOU!!!!" "DONT BE SO CONFIDENT LINDA!!!! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT STRATEGY IVE PLANNED!" Alex counters, while also yelling. "Pfft yeah right..." Linda mumbles "I'll be running back of to the base with this necklace in no time! Maybe I'll even get a promotion!" Linda eyes then lit up at the word "promotion" and Alex and his froakie quick noticed and then "what are you so exited about?" Alex (sounding like a grumpy child) questioned. "NONE OF YOU BUISSWAX!!" Linda shouts. "What do you think your gonna get a promotion?" Alex (AGAIN) questions. Linda snorts in annoyance of being questioned and Alex took that as a "yes". "Just so you know Linda, if your boss even gave you a promotion, it would probably be out of pity and to make the other members stop laughing at you!" Alex insults and then him and his froakie both laugh. "UGH SHUT YOU MOUTH YOU SH#TTY CRYBABY!!!" Linda screams. "Why? What are you gonna do? Punch me in the face again? Slash me with your knife again? Or even worse "abducted" me!!!!" Alex sarcastically said. Linda's eyes widened, she never really thought of abducting Alex, it wasnt her mission. But should she though? What If he decided to intervene in future missions? Would the boss be happy with her if she abducted Alex? Linda took a deep breath and then  "Alex." Linda began "I would abducted you but..... WE HAVE SOMTHING MORE SINISTER PLANNED FOR YOU! HAHAHAH!!!!" "Oh really???? Like what?" Alex bravery questions. "You'll see..." Linda says in a menacing tone. "Now pangoro." Linda began "DARK PULSE!!" "DOUBLE TEAM!!!!" Alex quickly orrders. Suddenly pangoro fires dark pulse at froakie but froakie used double team, making fake clones appear of himself. The dark pulse hit one of froakies clones, making the clone poof out of existence and making the attack miss. "UGH! YOU PEST! SURF NOW!!" Linda orrderd while also yelling. Soon a massive wave spawned and basically devoured froakie and his clones, making his clones dissapear and not really doing that much damage since it wasnt a super affectice move. "HA!!!" Linda laughed "turns out you so-called "strategy" didnt work." "Linda I'm not even near my plan... SO SHUT UP AND STOP LAUGHING AT ME!!!!" Alex yells. "Yeah yeah... whatever kid.." Linda grumbles. "WHATER PULSE! NOW!" Alex orrders while also shouting at the same time. "Ha! What's that gonna do? Sent back the puny water pulse with THUNDER PUNCH!!!!" Linda commands. Suddenly a ball of water is produced by froakies palm and sent flying at pangoro. Pangoro then uses thunder punch of the water pulse, making the water pulse fly back at froakie, doing a little bit of damage since it wasnt a super effective move. "STOMPING TANTRUM!!" Linda screams. "Froakie, use lick to grab as much of the rocks as physically possible and throw it at pangoro!" Alex quickly orrders. Suddenly pangoro stomps on the ground, making rock fly at froakie. Froakie then leaps up, grabs one of the flying rocks, and throws it at pangoro and (surprisingly) manages to repeat the process 4 times. Unfortunately the attack didnt do much damage since it wasnt a super effective move but... it did manage to anger Linda. (Even though she is very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very angry already.) "WHAT!!!" Linda (who was very angered and suprised) yells "HOW DID YOU DO THAT!!!" "it's called "strategy" Linda. Earlier on you were saying that I apparently "dont" have a plan and that I am going to "loose". Well guess what, I think you have underestimated me and my skills and a pokemon trainer." Alex explains. "Yeah Yeah... Whatever kid.... BUT IM AM NOT LOSING!!! NOT LOOSING!!! YOUR HEAR ME!!! NOW PANGORO, FINISH IT WITH HAMMER ARM!!!" Linda screams, thinking she is going to win. "Froakie, double team and then tie pangoro arms up with your frubbles!" Alex commaned. Suddenly pangoro arm turns in to a hammer and charges towards froakie, froakie then uses double team, leaps up in to the air with his fake clones, and then throws his frubbles at pangoro arms, making them tie her arms up and making the hammer arm fail. "HUH???" Linda gasps. "Now tie pangoro legs up with your frubbles!" Alex orrders. Froakie then throws his frubbles at pangoro legs, making her trip and fall face first on to the grass. "NO!!!" Linda yells. "NOW FINISH IT WITH THE BIGGEST WATER PULSE YOU CAN MAKE!!!" Alex excitedly shouts. Suddenly froakie and his clones produce one massive water pulse from their palms and then throw it at pangoro, hitting her in the back and making one massive explosion and a lot of dust. Linda and Alex were both scoffing due to the smoke and also looking for their pokemon. "Where are they??" Alex wonders out loud. "On the battle field you idiot!" Linda insults. Soon the smoke dissapear and what you see at the reader is pangoro and froakie both standing still, staring at each other waiting for each other to faint. Linda's and Alex's hearts were both racing. Which pokemon was going to faint? Was Alex going to loose? Will Linda be victorious and keep alex necklace? Soon after what felt like an hour, pangoro collapsed on the ground and fainted. "YES FROAKIE!!!!" Alex shouts. "FROAKIE FROAKIE!!!!" Froakie happily yelps. "NO!!!!" Linda yells "I STILL HAVE MIGHTYANA!!!! DONT CELEBRATE SO EARLY ALEX!!! THE TABLES MIGHT TURN!!!" Suddenly Linda picks up a pokeball from her pocket, throws it on to the battle field and out comes the mightyana that was previously on the battle field. "One more round and then I will get my necklace back.." Alex mumbles to himself. "YAWN THEN THUNDERFANG!!!" Linda angrily orrders. "Quick, cover your ears!!!" Alex (who was panicked) commands. Soon mightyana yawned and froakie covered his ears, making him not hear mightyana yawn and then mightyana mouth became full of electricity and then charged at froakie and bit him. Since it was a super effective move, froakies health went straight in the red and annoyingly, he became paralysed. "NO!!" Alex yelled. "HA!! I knew a kid like you wouldnt be able to beat me! Now mightyaya finish it with-"  "HDNEMDKWJWJMDJWRHJENDISJIWODLEKOEELSDKSODMEMJDUENFEJJWJJJDJEJEKMDMDJDJRJJEJDJDUJDJDUDUEHUDUEHEUEUSIOWIWISHDHHRYRYCYEUE7E7JXDRUEDNEMDKWJWJMDJWRHJENDISJIWODLEKOEELSDKSODMEMJDUENFEJJWJJJDJEJEKMDMDJDJRJJEJDJDUJDJDUDUEHUDUEHEUEUSIOWIWISHDHHRYRYCYEUE7E7JXDRUEUNEMDKWJWJMDJWRHJENDISJIWODLEKOEELSDKSODMEMJDUENFEJJWJJJDJEJEKMDMDJDJRJJEJDJDUJDJDUDUEHUDUEHEUEUSIOWIWISHDHHRYRYCYEUE7E7JXDRUEUND7EUDNCUR7DNUEUDJJDUD!!!!" Someone screamed, interupting Linda. Both alex, Linda and the pokemon (froakie barly) turned around to see doris, Macy, samon, speedy and incineroar being dragged (the psychic draped were you are flying in the air and being controlled by somone) by a very very very very angry author charging at Linda. "IVE FINNALY FOUND YOU!!!!" Author screams in rage. Suddenly author throws doris at Alex, making her crash in to Alex and both of then fall to the ground, then author throws Macy at linda, making her crash in to Linda (who yelped at the impact but didnt fall to the ground) and finally author then throws all the pokemon (incineroar, samon and speedy) at mightyaya, making all the pokemon crash in to mightyaya and mking them loose some of there health due to the impact. "UGH! YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!" Linda growls as she pushes Macy away from her. "HAHAHA!!! THAT WAS SO FUNNY!!!" author laughs. "UGH SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!" Linda screatches. Soon author and Linda start to screams insults at each other and Macy just stood there with the expression "help me". Meanwhile all this chaos is happining, Alex and doris were just staring at each other awkwardly. Alex also recognised doris from somewhere and doris was staring visible confused.  "Uhhhhhhh.... should I get off, of you?" Doris asks awkwardly. Alex just stares awkwardly for a couple of seconds Alex then "ermmmmmm.... sure... you should." Alex awkwardly replies. Doris then get off Alex and Alex get up from the ground. "Hello there." Doris says. "Hi." Alex replies "so... I guess I should thank you for your 10 seconds of  help earlier. Hmmmm... but is it me or do I recognise you and that girl." Alex points to macy. "From somewhere... but I dont Remember." "Take these super potions." Doris said as she forcefully handed Alex 10 super potions. "Also take the TMS grass knot and brick break." Doris said as she shoved the TMS in Alex's face. "Wow thank you." Alex said as he moves the TMS away from his face and then takes them. "Your welcome." Doris replied. Suddenly Alex took one of the super potions out of his pocket and gave it to froakie. "Froak frost froakie!" Froakie said as he enjoys getting his strength back and it got Linda's attention. "HEY!!!" Linda yells as she turns from author to doris "YOU CANT HELP HIM!!! THIS BATTLE IS BETWEEN US AND ONLY US!!!!" "Ummmmmmmmm.... yes she can." Author responds. Linda then turned from doris to author and then "SHUT UP!!!! NO SHE CANNOT HELP ALEX!!! GOT THAT AUTHOR!!" Linda yells. "Do you have a paralyze heal?" Alex asked, ignoring Linda's yelling. "Sure." Doris says as she hands Alex a paralyze heal. "YOU BETTER NOT!!!" Linda screetches as she turns from author all the way back to Alex. Alex ignored Linda and fed his froakie a paralyze heal and now froakie is not paralyzed anymore. (Yay.) "UGH!!! NOT FAIR!!! NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR NOT FAIR!!!" Linda protests , like a toddler and is stomping her food on the ground at the same time. "That's what five year olds do!" Doris pointed out. Linda turned to doris and Alex snorts wich then made him get a glare from linda. "Linda..." Alex began "let's finish this..... ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!" "OH YOUR SO DEAD KIDDO!! NOW MIGHTYAYA USE SHADOW BALL!!!!" Linda orders. "FROAKIE WATER PULSE NOW!!!!" Alex commands. Soon mightyana spawns a shadow ball at froakie and froakie used water pulse at mightyaya and the moves (shadow ball and water pulse) crash in to each other, making an explosion sound. "GRAB MIGHTYAYAS TAIL AND THROW HIM IN TO A TREE AND THEN FRUBBLES!!!" Alex commands while also yelling at the same time. Suddenly froakie opens his mouth, grabs mightyana tail using his tongue, throws him in to a tree and finishes with frubbles and now mightyaya is stuck to the tree. (Hes living the happy life right now.) "NO!!!! NO NO NO NO!!!!!" Linda shouts. "NOW BRICK BREAK UNTIL MIGHTYAYA FAINTS!!!!" Alex shouts. Suddenly froakie lifts his arm and basically smacks mightyana to death  until he faints. Soon after what felt like a while, mightyaya faints and Linda has lost the battle. (Oh boy, I bet she is mad now. Even though she was already mad to begin with. You get my point.)

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