A little girls revenge and new friends.

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Gale forest. Same area that the group fought Linda in.

With Kai. Ancient building.

It was nearly morning. Kai had somhow made it past the holes author had dug up to trap Linda and she was hiding inside the inside the building. Kai looked exhausted, sleep deprived, hungry and cold. Kai knew they were still looking for her so she decided to hide and hoped they got lost. Since kai was hungry, she opened her backpack and got out a snack. The snack was some bread. Kai then decided to be a dumb#ss and try to swallow the entire thing. It didnt go so well. Kai began to chock. "I-I cant breath..." she gasped. Kai got up gasping for air and punching her chest. Eventushe spat most of the bread out. Kai sighed in relief, sat down, opened her back, got a water bottle and drunk from it. Kai placed to bottle down and laid down. She stared at the ceiling. 'I gotta get out of this forest and find my brother.' Kai thought 'I miss him and I've searched for years...' kai sat up, opened her bag and put her food and bottle away and looked for the photo of (Alex?) Her brother and her book but couldnt find it. Kai began to panick. She emptied her bag in search of the photo of (Alex?) Her brother and book but it want there. Kai began to REALLY panick. Her breath was getting heavier and heavier. "SH#T!!! SH#T!! SH#T!!!!! !!!! WHERE THE F#CK IS IT!?!?" she yelled panicked "I COULD OF SWORN I HAD IT!!!!!" Kai then put everything back in her bag, put it back on her back and exited the ancient building and searched around the area frantically.

Outside of the ancient building. 

Kai was VERY careful to not fall in the holes author dug as she searched around the area for the photo of (Alex?) Her brother and the book. Where could it be? Kai searched frantically until "HEY YOU!!!" a man yelled. Kai turned around and wished she wasnt in side of gale forest. She gulped. It was Oliver, Rebeca, Daniel, britney and tiffany. Oliver was holding the photo of  (Alex?) Her brother and her notebook. Kai saw this and was very pissed. "MY BOOK!!!" kai exclaimed. "WE FOUND YA!!! COME WITH US AND WE WONT HARM YOU!!!" Rebbeca yelled. Kai ignored her. "GIVE ME THE PHOTO AND MY BOOK BACK!!!!" Kai screamed. "NO!!!" Oliver yelled. "THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING!!! COME WITH US AND WE WONT HARM YOU!!!" Rebbeca yells but this time shes more annoyed. Kai still ignores her. It really pissed rebbeca off that she was being ignored. "GIVE ME MY BOOK BACK OR IM GONNA-" "GONNA WHAT!?!? RUN AWAY LIKE A LITTLE BABY???" rebbeca said in a nasty baby tone. Kai was in tears at this point. The other grunts snickered mockingly. Kai knew she had to run away soon. "I WAS GONNA CALL THE POLICE ACTUALLY!!!" Kai yelled back as brave as she could. The grunts burst into laughter. " I BET UOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE EMERGENCY NUMBER IS!!!!" laughed Daniel. "YEAH!!!" Agreed britney "I ALSO BET SHE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A PHONE!!!!" she laughed. "I ALSO AGREE!!!" agreed tiffany. Kai at this point has had enough. She was crying. "AWWWWW!!! THE LITTLE BABYS CRYING!!!" tiffany mockingly laughed. "WERE WE TOO "MEAN" TOWARDS YOU????" Britney mockingly questioned while laughing her #ss off. Kai go so angry that she picked up the biggest rock and threw it at tiffany. It hit her directly in the face. She yelled as she got hit. (How sensitive.) "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!?" Tiffany yelped. "FOR BEING A B#TCH!!!" kai yelled back. "YOU LITTLE BRAT!!! COME HERE!!!!" tiffany yelled. Suddenly tiffany bolted towards kai but she felt in one of authors holes. (LOL!!!) "TIFFANY!!" britney yelled. She too also bolted after kai but she fell in the same holes as tiffany. Kai bursts into laughter. "BRITNEY!!!!" Daniel yelled. He also bolted for kai but ended up falling in the same hole as tiffany and britney. This was followed by everyone else. Kai was laughing so hard that she was on the floor. "HELP IM STUCK!!!!" yelled Daniel. "SHE NOT GONNA HELP YOU, YOU IDIOT!!!!" Oliver yelled to Daniel. Kai eventually stopped laughing and got up from the ground. Now, kai would off normally walked away but since she was furious (and wanted revenge) she walked up to the holes. Kai smugly waves. The grunts knew they had to manipulate kai. They put on their best sorry tone. " hey kid! I know weve had a bad start and I'm really sorry. Can you help us get out?" Oliver asked in a fake apologetic tone. "Yeah I'm also sorry! Your not a little baby! Your a big kid!" Tiffany said in a fake apologetic tone. "and i bet your amazing at calling the police!" Britney added in a fake apologetic tone. Kai knew what they were doing. She wasnt falling for it but she could use it to her advanced. "I forgive you!" Kai said. The grunts were happy, thinking thet had successfully manipulated kai. "So are you gonna help us out?" Oliver asked. "Yeah but can you please pass me the photo and my book?" Kai asked kindly "I wont help you until I have it." Oliver's face then became annoyed. Oliver didnt want to fake them to her but he didnt have a choice. "Alright..." he said reluctantly. Oliver reluctantly threw them out of the hole to kai. Kai caute them. Kai them them in her backpack and takes out a shovel. Kai then starts laughing like a psychopath and starts ferrying the grunts alive. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?" yelled Oliver. Kai didnt answer. Eventually the grunts where sealed under the ground and are suffocating. Kai puts her shovel away and looks for an exit. Eventually she found one.

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