Pokemon thieves!

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Cheshma town Taylor's and authors house.

BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! The alarm blasted super loudly and aggressively and Macy shot up and quickly turned it off. Doris, macy (who were in pyjamas) and author (who was in its woman form and wearing a robe) got up from bed. "Morning..." doris groaned. Author got so mad at the alarm that it threw the alarm into the wall, making a hole in tit and breaking the alarm. The alarm fell on the floor. "Mums gonna be pissed..." doris mumbled. 'And so it dad...' Macy added in her mind. "Author then grabbed the alarm and stomped on it. "Damn..." doris muttered. Author then turned to doris and Macy and "what the hell are you freaks staring at?" Author questioned. "Your the freak!" Doris responded. Author groaned. "doris I'm NOT in the mood for this!" Author said. "You Literally started it..." doris stated. "No I didnt! You did!" Author retorts. Macy faceplamed. "How did I start it!?" Doris demanded. "YOU STARTED IT BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!" Author barked. Author then teleported away (Probably to the bathroom so it can change into it's normal form). Dorid and Macy stared at each other. "B#tch..." doris muttered. "Imbecile..." Macy muttered in her mind. Doris then turned around so Macy could get dressed. When Macy was dressed she left and went down stairs. Doris just sat on the floor for half an hour before being bothered to get dressed. Doris then went down stairs.

Down stairs. Dining room.

Doris entered the dining room. The dining room has big black table with 6 chairs. Macy was sitting there with a massive bole of sweets and pringles. Author (who is in it's normal form) took away macys food since it wasnt healthy. Macy threw a tantrum and author screamed at her. They were in a screaming match. Authir had to explain (for the billionth time) that her diet and the huge portion wasnt healthly and it could risk her getting life threatening diseases due to being fat. Doris and macys pokemon (who were out eating food) agreed with author. Doris had to force Macy to get a healthier breakfast. Macy refusedwajd sulked doris decided to let her pokemon out and get them some food. She then "weres mum and dad?" Doris asked. Macy aggressively handed doris a note. Doris read the note. The note said

"Dear doris, Macy and author. 

"Your dad (not your dad author) has left early for work because he is working on a huge project that could impact the region. I have gone shopping because that stupid pikachu that keeps eating our food from the fridge has striked again. There barely anything left for breakfast. Eat the healthy stuff that's left in the fridge (MACY!!) Also I will be back in time for lunch. Make sure you DONT break anything this time or there will be serious consequences. And DO your chores! And PLAY he piano doris!

Love mum!😍😘😍😘😍😘 (not your mum Author)."

"I hate that pikachu." Doris said. "Its a real pain in the #ss." Author agreed "AND WHY DOES BLU KEEP SPESIFYING THAT RICHSRD AND SHES NOT ARE NOT MY PARENTS!!! I ALREADY KNOW THAT!!!" author demanded. Doris shrugged. Author sighed. "I wish she cared that i find it annoying.." author sighed "she always goes "I DoNt HaVe To StOp BeCaUsE I'm An AdUlT! BlAh BlAh BlAh!!" "She thinks it hilarious." Doris stated. "I know that... does she even care that my parents are dead?" Author woundered. "You havent told her." Doris stated. "True." Author said. "What should we talk about?" Doris asked, changing the subject. Author shrugged. "When do we get to visit that kid?" Doris woundered out loud. "Hopefully today." Author answered. "yeah... I Hope's hes okay..." doris said. She pitted Alex. Suddenly there was a bang. Some pans and pots have fallen on the floor in the kitchen. "Is that the pikachu?" Doris woundered. "how am I supposed to know?" Author sarcastically responded. Doris shrugged. Doris then went in to the kitchen to investigate. Author turned to Macy and "are you gonna come with us?" Author asked. Macy ignored author and continued sulking. "Fine, continued being a greedy pig..." author said. Macy looked at author in confusion. 'What's a pig?' Macy asked in her mind. Author realised what it had said. "Its.... uhhhh....." author flew off to help doris in the kitchen. Macy sighed and continued sulking. She has never heard of that word before

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