The grande reveal

13 1 4

Mitis town Crypress's lab.

Crypress woke up confused. He looked around the lab and noticed his charziard. "Char char..." he growled softly. "Urrrrrggg.... my head..." Crypress groans as he stands up to observe the area. Crypress strokes his charziard head and he realise what had happened. Crypress let out a cry of rage because doris Taylor decided to break in to his lab and she was recording. Crypress was worried. If she showed the video to Alex or anyone hes screwed. "SH#T SH#T SH#T SH#T SH#T SH#T SH#T SH#T SH#T!!!!! DORIS F#CKING TAYLOR BROKE IN TO MY LAB AND RECORD OUR CONVERSATION!!!! CHARZIARD WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE BASE AND SEND SOMONE AFTER DORIS BEFORE SHE SHOWS ANYONE THE VIDEO!!!!" Crypress roars panicked as he punches holes on the wall. Crypress's heart is racing very fast. He cover could be clome at any minute. He started to have a panicked attack. Charziard put his head in Crypress's side. Crypress stops punching the wall, looks at charziard and sighs. Crypress felt the blood dripping from his hands because he punched the wall. Crypress takes deep breaths and "thanks Charizard.... I... needed that.." Crypress sighs. Crypress and charziard hug. They where hugging for a few minutes and Crypress calmed down a bit. "Let's go back to the base." He said "we need to sent somone after doris." Charizard nodded and they stopped hugging. Crypress then walks to the pokemon selve, presses a hidden button and the pokemon shelve moved to the right reviling a secret tunnel. Crypress and charizard entered the secret passage and the pokemon shelve moved back to its original place, shutting the entrance. The tunnel suddenly lights up. Crypress and Charizard began to walk through the tunnel.

Unknown roria.

Crypress and Charizard walked (as a fast pace) through the tunnel until they reach a black door with a small window of bars. "What's the password?" A high pitched mans voice asked. "harry it's me, Crypress." Crypress responded. "Still, what's the password?" The man who's name seems to be harry asks again. "Harry I'm your boss let me in!" Crypress impatiently demanded. "But sir, your the one who made the policy!" Harry protested. "HARRY LET ME IN!!!!!" Crypress barked as he banged on the door. "No can do sir. Unless.... you tell me what the password is." Harry smugly replied. Crypress groans in annoyance and Charizard faceplamed. "Urrrrrggggg... its pokemon..." Crypress groans. "See! It wasnt so hard sir!  Now I can let you in!" Harry exclaims. Suddenly the door opens. Crypress and charziard enter. The door slams shut behind them.

Unknown roria.

This place was very large. There where lots and lots of grunts wondering around to who knows where, the room was white, there was a dungeon area that grey and dirty and Alex's parents are there with blood on their cloths, there was a lab with lots of computers and scientists working on what seems to be neck thingy with decent size dots on the left and right side, there's also a grey but surprisingly clean area that seems to be rooms for members, grunts and admins (By the way the higher ranked you are the nicer room you'll get), there was also an officer with a picture of Crypress in team eclipse uniform holding a pokeball and there was also an arena that seems to be the eara that you train your pokemon. Now the man who asked Crypress what the password was was standing right infront of crpress. He had orange spikey hair, he wore team eclipse admin uniform, he had yellow eyes and he wore a black ponty hat with red ribbon and an orange feather. Before harry could say anything Crypress smacked him in the face. "But sir I was just-" "ENOUGH!!!" Crypress barked. "Sorry sir." Harry muttered. Crypress and Charizard walk ahead. "YOU!" Crypress barked pointing to a grunt. "Yes sir?" The grunt asked. Crypress then points to the door. "Go and watch the door!" Crypress orrderd. "HARRY!!" Crypress barked. "Yes sir?" Harry asked. "Come with me. I have a mission for you." Crypress said. "Okay!" Harry responded. Harry, Crypress and Charizard walked through the base and in to Crypress's office. "What's the mission?" Harry asked. "I want you to go after doris Taylor." Crypress answers. "DORIS TAYLOR!!!!" harry yells "THE CELEBERITY WHO WAS IN A NEIGHBOUR'S WAR WITH LINDA AND THE ONE WHO DEFEATED PEARLALINE!!!!" "Do you have a problem with that harry????" Crypress questioned. "YES!!!" harry yells. Crypress again smacks hatty in the face. "BUT SIR, SHES DANGEROUS!!!" harry protested "WHAT IF SHES WITH AUTHOR?!?!" "Good question harry! We've been working on neck collars to prevent author from snapping our necks." Crypress explains. Crypress then turn on the speaker on his desk and yells. "DR MARTHIN COME TO MY OFFICE!!!" Crypress barked. Crypress and harry waited for a few minutes and a man with grey hair, blue eyes, a lab coat a pteam eclipse badge, white shirt, brown trousers and black boots. The man seems to be holding a black couler with decent size dogs on the left and righ size. "Dr marthin." Crypress said "glad you finally finished the neck collars." "It was very easy." Marthin said. "Give one of the neck collars to harry."  Crypress orrderd. "What if they dont work and author kills me?" Harry asked worridly. "That wont happen. We've bin testing them with bowguy." Marthin answers confidently. "Who's bowguy?" Harry asked. "You dont pay attention do you?" Marthin sighed. "Bowguy is very familiar to author. He has telekenis, can turn invisible and do most of the skills author can do but is also different to author. Author produces electricity and bowguy produces fire and he has a gender unlike author." Marthin explains "hes our strongest member." "Interesting..." harry muttered. "Now go and try on the neck collar." Marthin said as he hands harry a neck collar. Harry tries on the neck collar. "This-this-this is amazing!" Harry squeals. "Yes yes now go and complete your mission." Crypress said impatiently. "Wait do you want me to kill doris or abduct her." Harry asked. "Abducted her. We could brain wash that dumb b#tch into joining." Crypress answers. "Wait why are we even abducting her?" Harry asked. "OH MY ARCEUS!! JUST DO AS I SAY!!!" Crypress snapped. "Can I bring bowguy?" Harry asked eagerly. "NO!!!" Crypress barked. "Alright alright I'm going but im gonna bring some grunts with me." Harry said. Marthin then handed harry some neck collars and Harry let. "Continue working on the neck collars." Crypress orrders "I've got to visit some certain guests." Crypress left Charizard decided to sleep on the pokemon bed Crypress has in his office. Crypress then travels around the base. Eventually he enters the dungeon and approaches Alex parents. Alex's parents where exhausted and very worried for their sons safety. "Well well well.." Crypress says menacingly as he bangs on the bars. Alex's parents didnt look up. "Oh so your just going to ignore me?" Crypress said irritated. Alex's parents again didnt look up. "Okay how about I sent somone to HARM your stupid son." Crypress suggested cruelly. Alex's parents immediately turned to Crypress. "NO!!!" Screamed Alex's mother. "Oh so that got you to acknowledge me." Crypress remarked. "What do you want Crypress!?" Alex's father demanded. "I want to let you know that your little brat escaped Linda clutches with the help of stupid author, doris and macy." Crypress answers. "THAT MY BOY!!!" Alex's dad cried. "THE TAYLORS AND AUTHOR??? HELPING OUR SON???" Alex's mother cried in disbelief. "Dont celebrate so soon." Crypress said coldly "we still need that brick and information." "Well never give you information." Alex's dad said bravely. "Also the brick is out of your reach!" Alex's mum adds. "Indeed it is." Crypress responded coldly "but I put a tracking device in Alex and Jake's pokedex." Both parents gasp. "That's right! You heard me! We can sent anyone to hurt you son." Crypress laughs. "NO!!! PLEASE!!! DONT HURT MY BOY!!!" Alex's father begged. " pffffft Why care about him? Hes not even you biological son." Crypress questioned coldly. "HES STILL MY SON AND I LOVE HIM!!!" screamed Alex's dad. Crypress smiled cruelly. Both parents were crying. Crypress loved that. Crypress being Crypress wanted alexsmparent to suffer some more so he left, not giving them an answers about if hes gonna sempnt somone to harm Alex. Alex's parents where screaming at Crypress and Crypress ignored them as he walked away.

Hey guys! Thanks for 402 reads and 22 votes! Appreciated! I Hope's you enjoyed that and I hope some certain readers understand what's going on. Anyway, peace!😎

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