Stop that thief! Part 2

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Oh hi. By the way, i would recommend reading part 1 first before moving on to this chapter so you can understand what chaos is happening. I'm just saying this if your that one person who (for some unknown reason) skips previous chapters. It would help you understand this chaos. Now anyway back to the story. 

Cheasma town gale forest.

Gale Forest is a really beautiful place, it has lots of trees, grass were pokemon are hiding to murder other people that have or dont have a pokemon (that's totally normal for a pokemon to do that), there is many hidden passages in the forest, it looked really peaceful and damp. (The kind of damp were it looked beautiful.) while all this chaos was going on, there was a trainer who was also tall for her age, short brown hair that seemed to be growing from the girls head that looks like her previous hair had been ripped off, a teeny weeny bit chubby, green eyes, scar across forehead, a fluffy blue and grey jacket, pink lepard shirt, blue trousers, white shoes, scars on on face, legs and stomic and was enjoying a nice packet of pringle's but then... crash, Linda (who was running for her life) crashed in to the trainer that was eating pringles, and Linda sent that trainer flying 121 Cemtremetres in to air (somehow) and crashed in to the tree, when the person crashed in to the tree, the tree snapped in half, and the persons pringles went flying in to the grass , probably being devoured by hungry pokemon. "UGH MACY?!?" Linda angrily screamed as she gets up from the ground." IDIOT YOU CRASHED IN TO ME!!!" Macy got her self up from the tree, walked up to Linda and then started screaming at Linda about how her pringle's were destroyed and she couldn't eat them. (Not actually caring if she is hurt or not.) Unfortunately Linda couldn't understand macy because she couldnt talk. "Oof.. sorry kid forgot you cant speak!" Linda taunted "guess you wont have any pringle's anymore... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!" (Im not trying to offend anyone by the way, sorry if I did and just so you know it's not okay to make fun of people who cant talk or with any disability in general. Oh and if you know or have a family member who cant talk, you should treat them as a proper family member and still love them or be friendly to them. I also have a family member who cant talk I I love them alot.) Macy did not like that, she wasnt going to let that slid easily, so what macy did is she charged at linda, knocking her to the ground (and of course Linda was screaming as usual) and what macy did was she opend her jaw, grabbed Linda's hand and bit right in to the hand. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Linda screamed in pain "LET GO YOY PEST!!!!" "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!" author laughed."ITS NOT FUNNY AUTHOR!!!" Linda screams as her hand is being devoured by a very angry macy. "Yes it is." Author responded smugly, as it teleported to gale forest in the last chapter. (For some unknown reason definitely not giving a hint about author.) "NO!!! UGH AUTHOR YOU ARE SO USSLES!!!" Linda insults while also screaming in pain. "DO YOUR JOB AS YOU WERE BORN TO DO AND DELETE THIS PESKY KIDS INCLUDING ALEX, CHLOE, JAMIE, DORIS, BLU AND RICHARD!!!!" "Nah.. too lazy." author snorts. "UGH!!!" Linda screetched. "By the way, its NOT okay to make fun of people that cant talk. Its mean. How would you feel if you couldnt talk?" Author questions. Linda ignored that and continued trying to break her hand free from macy's very strong jaw. "CANT YOU JUST LET GO?!?!" Linda shouts. Macy ignored that and kept munching on Linda's very tasty hand. (Yummy. :D) Linda kept tugging on her painful hand that is being eaten by macy (who must be very hungry If she wants to eat a human limb) and Linda was screaming insults at macy that only mad her bite even harder and harder and harder.. the more Linda kept insulting macy, the harder macy bit Linda's very tasty hand. Eventually after for what felt like a hour, Linda managed to free her hand from macy's jaw and now her hand has a larged and deep bite mark were har and has been bitten and her bitten hand is bleeding. (HA KARMA!!!) Macy's mouth was covered in Linda's blood and what Macy did was she whipped her face with her sleeve and now Linda is even more furious than before. "WHY YOU-oh wait, I just remembered you nothing without your sister, doris by your side." Linda teased "HA! SINCE YOUR SISTER IS NOT HEAR I WILL BEAT YOU UP MYSELF!!!" "I'm actually right here." Doris said as she only just got here. "UGH.. ME AND MY BIG FAT MOUTH..." Linda screamed, annoyed at herself as she also turns from macy to doris. "Linda give it back." Doris said referring to Alexs necklace "the trainer will catch you." "UGH DORIS YOU ARE REALLY ANNOYING AND VERY STUPID. YOUR JUST SOME DUMB WEIRDO THAT HAS NO COMMON SENSE!!" Linda insulted. "No you." Doris replied in an offended tone. "Hehe Haha Hehe Haha hehe haha hehe haha BAHAHAHA!!" Author laughed. "author is vibing right now." Doris said and no one was actually caring. Linda then turned from doris back to macy and said "do you know what I'm going to do?" Macy shook her head. "I'm going to choke you since you almost bit my GODDAMNM HAND OF!!!" Linda threatend. "What about me? I wanna be choked aswell!" Doris complained, getting Linda's attention. Linda (again) turned to doris and yelled "SEE! THIS IS WHY DORIS SHOULD BE IN THERAPY RIGHT NOW!!! SHE SERIOUSLY CREEPS ME OUT!!!!" "And you need to go to the mental Hospital." Doris counterd "Im pretty sure a mentaly Il person would break in to peoples houses and scream at others like a Karen." "UGH!!" Linda screams "IF YOU HAVE SUCH A BIG  MOUTH HOW ABOUT WE BATTLE, YOU STUPID KID!!!" "What about a double battle?" Doris suggested to her sister. "WHAT NO WE ARE NOT DOUBLE BATTLING!!!" Linda shouts at doris wich made doris turn back to linda. "Somone too chicken?" Doris teased. Soon doris started to mimic Linda as a chicken and make chicken sounds. While in the background Macy and doris's cinderace were dying of laughter. Soon doris's cinderace was on the ground, dying from cringe and laughter at his trainer from mimicing Linda as a chicken. "That's because she is one" author insults."OI!!!!" Linda yelled. There was silence. No one knew who Linda was talking to. "How are you talking to?" Doris asked. "THE IDIOTIC AUTHOR THAT YOU AND MACY IDIOTICLY RESCUED WHO WONT DO THEIR ITS PATHETIC PROPERLY!!!" Linda yelled. (Again.) "I didnt know you were talking to me and what makes you think I dont do my job at the author properly?" Author questions. "OKAY FIRSTLY, YOU MAKE THE GOOD GUY WIN! NOT FAIR, SECONDLY HOW ARE KIDS SO SMART IN THE STORY AND INVISIBLE? AND WORST OF ALL, YOU WONT DELETE OTHERS WHEN TEAM ECLIPSE SAYS!!!!" Linda ranted. "Your not the boss of me sucker! And I dont control situations like how stupid are you? Do you seriously think that I'm some sort of admin that can control stuff? Your so stupid." Author explains and also insulting Linda.. "Author does it look like I CARE?!??" Linda snorted. "Can I leave now?" author questioned, clearly not enjoying this encounter. Linda ignored that and continued ranting about how author is "supposed" to be helping team eclipse, how author should apparently delete human she doesnt like (such as Alex for example) because they are annoying, how author should make it so the main antagonist (the boss of team eclipse) be victorious in this story and much more stuff the you as the reader probably dont even care about. The whole time Linda was ranting at author (poor creature), doris, Macy and doris's cinderace were just standing there, not knowing what is going on. "Is she done?" Doris asked her sister. Macy shrugged. "Please help me... why am I even here..." doris mutterd as Linda ranted. For who knows long, the ranting continued and eventually Linda finally managed to shut up. "Finally.." author mumbles. "my ears were bleeding.." doris muttered in relief. "Ugh I seriously hate author... one day I will get revenge..." Linda grumbled.

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