Stop that thief! Part 1

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"BLU?!?!?!?" Linda screamed with pure hatred and disgust. "What do you think your doing!?!?" Blu demanded as she walked in to Linda's property. "What does it look like idiot!?!?" Linda resorted. "If I was an idiot, you would have noticed me pretending to act casual." Blu counterd. Linda screamed in fury then suddenly Linda grabbed a knife and charged at blu, but thanks to blus awesome Taekwondo skills, blu tripped Linda up and kicked the knife out of her hand and the knife flinged in to a wall. "Nice try." Blu said "but I'm still older and more mature. Grow up for Arceus sake." "FINE IF YOU THINK YOU ARE SO TOUGH THEN LETS BATTLE!" Linda screamed. While all this was going on Alex was unconscious on the floor but unknown to Linda and blu, froakie and fletchling sneaked away to grap Alex's guns and now the whole time this is going on, froakie is slapping his trainer to death. Trying to wake Alex up. (In the background of the battle.)

Blu vs Linda.

"Venusaur go!!!" Linda screatched as threw a pokeball in the air. "Not this nonsense again..." Blu sighed. Without talking back, Blu grabbed a pokeball from her pocket and she threw it in the air. When she threw her pokeball, the pokemon that came out of the pokeball was a very tough looking empolion. "Using that annoying bird of yours? Eh?" Linda taunted. Blu ignored the taunting and Linda screamed "VINE WHIP, SLEEP POWER THEN SOLAR BEAM." "Spriz, rapid spin and steal wing." Blu camly said. The venusaur grew vines out of his flower and aimed them at empolion but when spriz span around and used steel wing, the vines immediately got destroyed. "Hyper beam!" Blu yelled. Spriz immediately stop spinning and used hyper beam but luckily spriz was faster then venusaur and the hyper beam hit venusaur directly. "Now drill peck at the ground!!!!!" Blu orrders. Without hesitation spriz immediately used drill peck at the ground, dodging a supereffective solar beam from venusaur. "HOW JUST HOW!!?!?" Linda screamed in absolute shock "HOW WAS EMPOLION USING TWO MOVES AT ONCE!?!? HOW DID EMPOLION USE DIG!?!!!?!" "It takes a lot of practice and motivation to make using two moves possible. Oh and I also used drill peck at the ground." Blu explained. "Whatever.." Linda grumbles. "Well you did ask." Blu said slightly offended by this childish behaviour. "PETTLE BLIZZARD!" Linda screamed. Suddenly a blizzard of pettles occurs and "BLIZZARD!!!!" Blu counterd. Suddenly a BLIZZARD sparned and easily overpowered pettle blizzard, directly hitting venusaur and causing him to faint because blizzard is a super affective move. "PFFT... THIS ONE WILL SURE BEAT YOU!!!" Linda screeched. Suddenly Linda raises another pokeball from her pocket and throws it in the air and when the pokeball lands on the ground, out came an incineroar. "SUBSTITUTE THEN EARTHQUAKE!!!" Linda shouted.  Suddenly the incineroar summons a substitute and an earthquake orrures, causing both blu and spriz to fall over (hope they didnt hit the ground too hard...) and since earthquake is a super effective move against spriz, spriz is now on half health and it also knocked out incineroars substitute. "NO!!! HYDRO PUMP!!!" Blu screamed panicked. "Ha! Rest!" Linda smugly counterd. Spriz barely got up from the ground, used hydro pump on incineroar directly hitting it and putting incineroar in the red but when incineroar used rest, incineroar health returned into the green. "ready to forfeit??? I know your going to loose. Oh and this time I didnt bring two pokemon just in CASE YOUR STUPID HOUSEHOLD INTERFERES WITH MY BUSINESS!!!!!" Linda taunted while also screaming. "You've gotten stronger then last time Linda..." blu said. "I know." Linda proudly stated. "But hears the thing..." Blu began "what 'thing?'" Linda asked sarcastically. "I have a Z move... and since incineroar is asleep... he has no protection..." blu dramatically explained. Linda instantly went from smug mode to panic mode. (You could tell by her body language.) Suddely blu pulls back her sleaves of her jacket, reveals a Z crystal and screams"SPRIZ Z MOVE HYDRO VORTEX!!!" Suddenly a tornado of water summons "NO!!!" Linda screams as incineroar gets devoured by the Z move, and the Z move absolutely destroyed incineroar. Since fire is weak to water, the Z move one shot incineroar, knocking it out. "NOOOOO!!!!!" Linda screams in fury. "Ha! Looks like I win again Linda!" Blu teased "are you going to use only 2 pokemon everytime you battle somone???????" "THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! IM LEAVING WITH THE NECKLACE!!!" Linda announced while also screaming like a toddler that didnt get what food at the shop they wanted. Suddenly Linda attempted to tackle blu to the ground and to also try and escape but...

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