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Scarlett POV:

"One more."

It was time for a workout. Anybody who says that we aren't athletes has not seen how we work out and prepare for the races.

My face was red, hair strains fell into my face, and I needed a break.

After finishing the set, I decided to do a short break before continuing my workout. I took a few sips from my water bottle. Then I wanted to put my hair in a new bun.

Right then, the hair tie fell on the floor. Before I could pick it up, someone else did.

It was a guy. Around my age. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. He was also taller than me. He handed me the hair tie.

"Here you go. You're Scarlett Addams, right?" He smiled at me.

I smiled back and took the hair tie, finishing my bun. "Thank you, and yes, I am."

"I'm a big fan of yours. Good luck on the next race!"

It's always nice to meet someone who supports your work.

"Oh wow, thank you. I'll do my best. What's your name?"

"Lucas, Lucas Wright."

"Well then Lucas, thank you for supporting me."

He smiled brightly. "A picture might be unsuitable now, right?"

Well, yeah. But I'm way too nice.

"If you don't mind having a picture with me looking like this?"

He laughed. "No, I don't. You look great."

So, we took a picture together and I didn't turn out that bad. Before he could say anything, someone interrupted us.

"Sorry mate, this is a workout. You can talk in the lounge."

It was Max.

I glared at him. Lucas turned around and widened his eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm leaving now. It was nice meeting you Scarlett!"

As soon as he left, I stared at Max again. "What was that?"

"What was what?" He walked past me and put his towel on the next gym machine. It was a lat tower.

"You could be nicer, you know."

"No reason to do so. Also, I didn't do anything."

I rolled my eyes. How can someone be so annoying?

"Oh, I know what this is about. You're jealous."

I shouldn't have said that.

He turned around the same second and walked up to me. Lucas was also tall, but the way Max stood in front of me it felt intimidating.

"Jealous? That a guy wants to take a picture with someone who's not a world champion?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry Mr. World Champion. Yeah, you're jealous."

He scoffed, and his fierce blue eyes met mine. "I'm not jealous."

I grinned. "Fine, fine. You're not jealous." But my grin disappeared fast after getting pictures of the party in my head. I broke the eye contact.

He didn't say anything and went back to the lat tower. But before he could start, I grabbed the lat pulldown. I was standing in front of him. He looked up to me.

"I bet you that I will always do at least 5 more than you do. At every workout."

A smirk formed on his lips. And I remember that smirk now. It was the same one before we kissed at the party.

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