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Scarlett POV: 

"What the hell are you two doing?!"

The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch. What's that question supposed to mean? He has no right to ask me that question. I don't even know why he got invited to the party in the first place. 

Before I could answer him, Max turned around to face Russell. 

"How does it look like? Your presence is disturbing us, how about that?" 

Okay, I did not expect that reaction. His voice tone was harsh and impatient. He was probably more annoyed than me. 

"That's pretty rude, man. Also, I'm not talking to you. Scarlett, can we talk for a minute?" 

Did he forget that we are not together anymore? Also, the fact, that his new girlfriend is literally standing beside him? What is wrong with that guy? 

"No. We can't. Say what you want to in front of everyone." 

I was suddenly very aware of the fact of what happened. It's like I didn't taste one single drop of alcohol. Everything was clear. It's Yuki's birthday, I made out with Max. He ripped my shirt apart. Hold on. 

I took a look down. He really did that. The blood rushed to my cheeks. How the hell did that happen again? And why is it Max? Again?!

"No. I'd rather talk to you in private."

Max let out a scoff and put his arm around me. My cheeks were burning and I didn't even dare to look up at him. Then he said something, that made me stop breathing for a moment. 

"Anything you say to her, will get to me."

"And why's that? Who even are you to be involved in her life? Her boyfriend?"

"That's kinda the point when two people are dating, right?" 

Excuse me, what? Did he just tell them that we are dating? As in, boyfriend and girlfriend dating? As in, I love you dating? How drunk is he? 

But one look at his face, told me that he was completely sober. But why did he say that? Why is he behaving like that? Just yesterday, we yelled at each other out of hatred. So, why is he helping me out? 

Also, why am I acting like this is the main question? We literally made out few minutes ago. 

"I'm sorry, what? Is this true, Scarlett? You and Max? Dating?"

Russell snapped me back to reality. I cleared my throat and had like a few seconds to respond before making it awkward. 

"Unlike you, I don't make out with guys I don't date. So, yeah. It's true." 

Dear God, what have I done? 


Max POV:

"Can you stop walking up and down, it's making me drunk again."

She stopped and turned around, facing me now. "Oh, I'm so sorry honey. Would you like a kiss?" 

After Russell and that new girlfriend of his disappeared, we got out of the water. Since it was night, the air was cold. Also, the moment between us was over.

I had to focus not to stare at her body when she got out of the water. The ripped shirt was soaked and it "sticked" on her body. She still had her bra on, but if those two didn't appear, there would be nothing left of her clothing for sure. And just the thought of that, made me almost lose any sense of control. 

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