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Scarlett POV:

Months passed. I have been a time with Red Bull now, and I've learned more about myself than ever in my life before.

It's like I explored a new side of me. Now, I'm staying longer at the gym, doing more sets than I have to, rewatching and analysing all races. I'm working longer and harder.

Because there is only one competition. It's me. I'm my own competition. And I will do anything to get that title. The number 1.

And I proved my potential. So far, I got more pole positions than Max. It may be just two but still. I got back at him. Especially after he told me that I'm weak.

Our relationship? Professional. We're not talking a lot, somehow respect each other, sometimes fight over the wins...

Who am I kidding?

It's not professional at all.

We can't talk normally for 3 minutes. Either he drops a stupid comment or I look at him the wrong way.

But let's ignore that Idiot for a second. I have more important things to do.

It's the fifth month of the year right now. To be exact, it's the 10th of May. One of my best friends has birthday tomorrow. Yuki.

Since we have a long break between the race, Pierre, Lando and me decided to throw him the best birthday party he's ever had.

"Why not? I'm a fan of the pink one. It would bring out his eyes so well!"

"Pierre, no." Lando and I shook our heads kooking at Pierre, who just showed us pink decoration in the store.

He mumbled something in french under his breath and put the pink ribbons away.

"Hey look, fairy lights! We could definitely use that."

"Oh yeah, put a few in the cart." I looked over to Lando who showed me the fairy lights.

"I feel like I'm shopping with my parents."

I rolled my eyes and looked at Pierre who crossed his arms like a little child.

"Listen honey, you can choose what games we will play, alright?"

His face lit up immediately. Told you, like a child.

We spent about an hour in the store buying everything for the party. At first we planned to go to a club but decided to throw a surprise birthday in a rented party room.

Tomorrow is his birthday. Means, we have to prepare everything today. I love organising parties. It's really fun.

We were on our way to the partyroom. Lando was driving, Pierre and I were sitting in the back planning a bit for the night tomorrow.

"Well, I thought of some games. So, I divided them into categories. Fun games for the start, teamplayer games, drinking games and the best one, the 18+ games." A big smirk formed on his lips.

"I shouldn't have given you the games." I sighed.

"Do you want me to decorate?"


"There you go."

We arrived at the partyroom. There was enough space for what we had planned. After putting down the bags, I looked around.

"Well, boys, let's get down to work. This has to be done until tomorrow."


Scarlett POV:

"And lights on!"

We were happy with the work we've accomplished in the past hours. It already got dark outside.

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