The Incest Map

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This chapter includes strong language.

No one's POV:
Most people hate going back to school, and school in general, but Evelyn didn't. it was her escape she may not have much freedom at school, but she needed to get away, school seemed to be her only safe space. Evelyn walked into school looking up to the familiar sign which she had read every day for the past five years 'Hartley highschool'. She took a deep breath in looking around for her friends who were out of sight.

"Oi, Evie" she turned around, Seeing her three friends Sasha, Missy, and Amerie. but where's Harper? "Where's Harps?" Evelyn question to her friends.

"No fucking clue but hey we're back" Sasha yelled out to her running up to her and pulling her into a woman embrace. The four girls linked arms and started walking, as they were walking, they caught a glimpse of Dusty, Amerie's crush for like ever. "are you actually going to speak to him this year?" Evelyn questioned her friend. "Nah, just playing it cool". little did she know that her whole life was about to go to shit.

That's when she saw him, Spider that is. he trotted his way over to her throwing an arm around her shoulders, she shrugged causing his arm to fall. resulting in Spider giving her a cheeky smirk. "missing your fourth witch" Spider snickered, causing Evelyn to scoff.

"screw off spider, Evie lets go."

"Seriously dude stop being a pussy and just ask her out" I heard one of the boys say as we walked off.

Evelyn had always had a crush on Spider ever since she first spoke to him in seventh grade during a lunchtime detention. but she always thought that he never felt the same, she always wanted something more with him he was just too stubborn, and pigheaded to realise it. he would often catch his staring at him, but he always just made a joke about it.

as the girls continued walking away from the boys, they heard a new kid asking directions to the front office.

"fresh blood" Sasha joked. the four continued to talk about the new kid till.


'I'm sorry what' Evelyn thought to herself. The students didn't hesitate to run up to the old stairwell, they had to get a glimpse of this supposed map. It really was a sex map, Evelyn saw her name link to a few people, all just make outs. She began to look at everyone's names, as she realised that there were only two golden lines on the whole map. One connecting Dusty and Amerie's names, and one connecting her's and Spiders.

"A wristy?"

"Everyone has fucked everyone".

"it's called the incest map".

"what the fuck!"

"what's a lazy kabab?" questions and statements were being thrown around everywhere. Evelyn notice that there was an index she was about to look at it to see what the gold mine meant when Missy and Sasha started running off, so she followed them.

The assembly hall was full of year 11 students. No surprise Woodsy had heard about the sex map.

"who do you think did it?"

"it was mostly kids from our grade so it must be someone we know".

"it's probably Spencer his stupid friends". everyone began questioning and stating. Evelyn looked well left to see that Amerie was out of it.

"yo, Am you okay?"

"yeah, I'm good" Evelyn could tell she was lying.

footsteps were heard squeaking the gymnasium floor, causing heads to turn. everyone looked over to see Harper walking in.

"Holy shit Is that Harps?" Sasha question. she looks so different she has a new style and head was now shaving.

"Not gonna lie she looks hot as shit" Evelyn said out loud. comments about Harpers new look were being thrown around everywhere while Amerie jumped up, shouting for her friend.

"Harper, Harper" Amerie begins saying trying to get closer to Harper. who decided not to sit with us.

"Sit down, Amerie". Woodsy said, causing Amerie to come and sit down again. "I am a woke woman, I enjoy sex as much as the next person" the kids began to chuckle at the principle.

"we don't need to know that miss". Ant sarcastically added.

"but reputation is everything and that map has jeopardised your reputations and the school's reputation. on the first day back as well! We are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map and have strongly suggested that there are no more parties shindigz or gathos" the hall erupted in protests and strong language. Evelyn just shook her head. "unsupervised parties means alcohol, alcohol leads to poor choices and decisions, risk taking behaviours outlined on this map are unacceptable, heartly high prides itself on being a safe environment." there was a giggle from Darren. "but clearly this is a wake-up call that we are not doing enough. Oh and we will find out who did this. Get to class!"

Evelyn picked up her bag and rushed out of the hole leaning against her locker and sighing. Spider, Ant and dusty soon approached her. "you'll be fine, if your mums flip come stay at my." Spider said trying to reassure the girl and his friends. she smiles at him for a quick moment then says goodbye to the three boys and walked to her class. Evelyn was annoyed during her next two classes. just had to finish math and she could get to lunch. word had gotten around that Amerie right the sex map. The two had been friends since 6th grade, Everlyn felt betrayed she thought at least she would tell her. After the bell had rung Evelyn went and found Missy and Sasha. "that was way outta line... why would she write that like a full sex map about the whole grade" Missy was talking while Evelyn stood next to Sasha by their lockers, talking about the events from today. They heard a trail of footsteps behind them and just assumed it was another person until Missy and Harper walked away and Sasha pulled a face. Evelyn turned around noticing her ex best friend walking up to her, whispers lingered through the hallway as the school waited for another fight. As the two girls started to walk away Amerie reached them.

Evelyn's POV:
"Oi, so you've chosen her side?" the girl questioned us. "are you fucking kidding me, Amerie? everyone's pissed at you for what you did, you've broken people up, outed people, humiliated people. And all of that work Missy and I did to stay friends after we broke up, that's fսckеd. Doesn't mean anything now, because..." Sasha began but was interrupted by Amerie.

"Harper did the map too."

"You know, it's really shits me when people can't own up to their own actions."

"look, Am don't blame other people for your fucked up mistakes, own your shit dude". The hall was filled with 'ooooo's' as I continued "There calling home, you have ruined peoples relationships, Ant's mum is gonna kill him! and Sasha's mum is going to get really mad" I yelled at her, I then came closer to her ear and began to whisper "They are calling my dad, you of all people know how horrible he is, so go fuck yourself!" I said the last part loud enough for everyone around us to hear, before hitting her shoulder with mine and walking off with Sasha linked by arm. The two of us caught up with the other girls sitting down and beginning to eat, as the agitating voice of Woodsy came over the intercom. "will the following students please meet at classroom 5D: Amerie Wadia, Harper McLean, Sasha So, Missy Beckett, Evelyn Stone, Dustin Reid, Spencer White, Anthony Vaughn, Darren Rivers, Quinn Gallagher-Jones, Douglas Piggott and Malachi Mitchell".

No One's POV:
The kids were welcomed into an empty classroom by Woodsy and an unfamiliar teacher. Evelyn sat with Missy, Sasha and Harper. Dusty, Spider and Ant sat behind them, ca$h sat alone at the front, Darren and Quinni were at a table beside the girls and Amerie sat at a table by herself at the front till the new kid walked in and sat next to her. Evelyn could hear Spider and Ant making fun of Amerie and calling her map bitch. which just made her laugh. Everyone's off in their own conversations till dusty asked "So the cemetery tomorrow?" Resulting in a bunch of yeah and let's do it.

"what's happening at the cemetery?" Darren asked Spider to which he replied

"none of your biz bong water"

"don't be a dick spider" Evelyn said turning to Darren "it's a big party we throw every year, you're invited if you wanna come".

"thanks Evie"

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