The next step

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I ran into school due to already being late, my hands interlocked with a certain dirty blonde, a sudden blast came over the speaker scaring me. "Year 11 students please make your way to the hall for the assembly" I looked at Spider and we began walking towards the hall.

"Good morning, everybody. So, I have an announcement. It's really very thrilling." I rolled my eyes and leaned over to Spider.

"I hate these stupid things" I whispered to him.

"Hartley High has been selected to kick off the city of Sydney Interschool Basketball Semifinals." She said I looked directly at Spider, Malakai and Ant. "Omg, You guys" I whispered to them. Cheer erupted from the crowd behind us.

"Which will garner some much-needed positive attention after the map debacle."

"Map Bitch!" Spider cough yelled. I pushed his shoulder in response.

"Put a sock in it, Spencer." Woody's yelled to Spider. "It's actually a very big Honor and we would like all of you to do your bit and help us clean up our school."

"Don't actual cleaners do that, Miss?" Ant questioned and everyone laughed.

"Great contribution, Anthony."

"Anything else?"

"As a little incentive, the student who picks up the most bags of rubbish will receive a PlayStation." She paused causing everyone to gasp. "gift voucher. Valued at $50. It's still a lot."

"I want that gift voucher." Quinnie said behind me.

"And, yes, the cleanup is compulsory. You will be handed out schedules in the first period."

"You know what? I would rather eat a balding bus tire than clean the girls' toilets." I said to Harper

"Weird flex, but okay."

"They haven't cleaned the sanitary bins in ages, Shit's a horror show."

"The flaps were like human flaps." Spider began as we walked down the hall. "With stripes on it?"


"Tiger has to earn its stripes."

"I worry about you sometimes, bro." Harper and I walked behind the two as they continued their weird convocation. Harper walked forward and in between the two.


"Hey. Um... Spider was just telling me he had this sex dream. About the Tiger King?" she gave him a funny look. "Yeah, except it was an actual tiger and with a human vag."

"Weirdly doesn't surprise me." I laughed taking a hold of Spiders hand.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Harper asked Dusty.

"Yeah, what's up? Is everything okay?"

"Come on let's go" I told Spider, and we headed out the door, we walked to SLT's

We were all sitting in the SLT'S classroom as Jojo began to speak. "So we all agree that porn has given us unrealistic ideas of what sex should look like. But is it all bad?"

"When you watch as much as Ant does." Dusty joked causing the class to laugh.

"Very funny. Yeah."

"It can be helpful if you don't know what you like." Quinnie told the class.

"Or who you like. I one-hundy percent figured out I was into girls by watching lesbian porn."

"Oh, my God. Me too." Spider said giving a stupid smirk to Sasha.

"I need you, Web."Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang